Chapter 5- Another Me?

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The boy in front of me looks confused.

"Your name is Jesse?" He asks, tilting his head slightly.

Before I can say my sarcastic comeback I hear an oink, and my spirits lift.

"Reuben!" I say happily, seeing the small pig.

The whole group stares at me as I hold out a carrot to the pig.

He trots over, looking a bit cautious, but eats the carrot and smiles his little pig smile up at me.

I feel every sadness I've had for a while just go away, and I rub his head.

"How do you know my pig?" He asks, and then something comes back to my mind.

One time Petra suggested a book to me, and it all comes back to me.

"I think that I might be in your universe, sent here from another one, I say, looking up at Jesse.

He just stares at me.

"Okay, then where is your Reuben?" He counters, making my heart sink.

"He's dead." I mutter, looking down at my feet, then I realize something.

"And I'm supposed to be dead. I fell into the void for crying out loud." I say, probably sounding insane.

Everyone is staring at me.

Then, I hear Jesse's voice.

"What did you do when Ivor started talking shit about Petra in the neather?" He asks, making me look up from my feet.

"I punched him square in the nose." I say, making him smile.

I think of a question.

"What happened when you told Reuben to run in the woods?" I ask, making him chuckle.

"I was rumped by a spider and Petra had to rescue me. She stabbed that thing like twenty times with her iron pickaxe." He says, making us both laugh at the memory.

We stop laughing and stare at each other, making everyone look from him to me, and back.

"If you had to, which would you fight. 100 chicken sized zombies, or 10 zombie sized chicken?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

I laugh.

"Zombie sized chickens. Imagine their huge feet." I crack up at the last word, and we both start laughing again.

The old order and the new order just stare.

"So, I think that settles it. You're me." He says, patting me on the shoulder.

I smile.

"Nah. You're me." I say, making him smile.

I go over to Petra, seeing her confused look.

"Petra. That group of people over there, they are your friends. You just can't remember them." I tell her, making her stand, slightly leaning on me.

We walk over to them and I let her sit beside the other Olivia.

Suddenly, we hear Gabriel coughing.

I walk over, sitting him down.

"You need to stay here. Magnus, stay here with him." I say, and he nods in approval of my orders.

Then I see Lukas, talking to Petra.

"Lukas. Your friends are out there." I call to him, making everyone turn to me.

"How do you know all this?" Axle asks, looking stubborn.

I smile.

"In my universe this battle is over. We won by the way. Lukas left to find his friends, but they come back and save our buts." I say, making them all stare.

I shrug.

Olivia comes over, touching my armor.

"Where did you get this cool armor?" She asks.

Not thinking I say the truth.

"I got it from Ivor." I say, making them all frown.

"Why in gods name would you trust him!? He started all this! We can't trust him!" Olivia freaks.

I narrow my eyes at her and turn to the order.

"He isn't the only one." I grumble under my breath.

I sit down against the obisidian, just wanting to rest.


Someone is touching my hands, and I yelp in pain as they touch my cuts.

I open my eyes, pulling away.

Everyone is asleep surprisingly, and Petra sits in front of me, her eyes pale.

She was wrapping my hands.

"I don't know if I should know you or not. But you saved my life. I will always remember that." She says, holding out her hands for me to let her continue.

She wrap the remaining hand and I feel a bit better, not having them exposed.

"What happened?" She asks, whispering not to wake anyone up.

I frown.

"I was outside, and a guy came and hit the ground with this weird staff, making all the block fall below me. I held onto the ledge, but he hit me with his sword." I answer, making her look afraid.

"Was it that guy, Ivor that the others don't trust?" She asks, moving beside me a snuggling into my side.

She looks like she needs to rest so I don't push her away, feeling a bit awkward.

"No. It was someone with eyes that goes like glowstone. He seemed so familiar, almost like I had met him before." I ramble on, not realizing she is asleep until the end.

Her sleeping form is so relaxed, so peaceful, and I put my arm around her protectively, staying awake, and watching over everyone.

Then, I hear a noise, and I see familiar black hair.

His eyes meet mine and his eyes widen at the appearance of the armor.

"You. How did you get that?" He asks, storming over.

I shush him, pointing to everyone in the cave like place.

He grumbles.

"I'm from another universe. These people need you to bring them to your fortress in the farlands, they need that armor and enchanted weapon." I say, making him nod.

"I see that your smart, seeing that this isn't really my fault." He says proudly.

I scoff.

"Oh, I'm smart, but this is still all your fault." I shoot back at him, making him shrink.

He sits down, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh and by the way, next time don't talk shit about Jesse's friends." I warn, making him rub his nose at the memory.

After a while of silence, even he falls asleep, leaving me in the silence that is the neather.


I hope you guys liked the chapter! I will try to update again soon!


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