Chapter 4- Denial

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Petra's POV

I sit in the river clearing, and since its the middle of the night, no one is here to bother me.

The rain hasn't come today, and it almost makes me angry.

"You cry every day since Reuben dies, and now you can't even have one night for Jesse!" I shout, choking as tears run down my cheeks again.

I look up at the stars, not bothering to wipe them away.

So many books I've read about space and the sky tells me that at night, you can see other galaxies out there, some with completely different things form us in them.

One is visible, but its simply looks just like a dot.

Its the same dark blue of Jesse's crystal and armor, making me look away from it.

Then, against my leg I feel burning, and I pull the amulet from my pocket, dropping it onto the ground at the red hot sides.

I blow on my hands, trying to get them to stop hurting.

Then, the middle crystal shines brightly, Jesse's crystal.

My jaw drops in shock, looking at it.

A hologram appears, and I can't believe what I'm seeing.

For a second I think its showing me past events, then I see that Jesse has two large gashes on the tops of her hands.

"Holy crap." I whisper.

She is running from three wither storms, with a young girl holing onto her from her shoulders and what looks like me with no memory clinging onto her hand.

I see all the rest of our group of friends too, and they are heading towards a heather portal.

"Are you really alive?" I whisper, watching the image fade.

The stars seem to glow brighter, and I smile, feeling the waterfall of tears stop.

"I'm coming for you Jesse." I say, going through my pockets.

I find some string from a spider, but as I pull it out Magnus' chest palte drops with it.

I've had it since the funeral.

It makes me tear up.

That was the last price of armor Jesse had that she wasn't wasting when she disappeared.

The other pieces broke shortly after the Formidibomb incident.

This was all that was left.

She left it in her room, so I took it, so I could always have it.

I put it back in my pocket, taking the string and pulling it through the holes in the amulet, so I can wear it as a necklace.

My hand moves to it, slipping it under my shirt before running towards the tree house.

My normal armor is back in my room, and my bandana's tie flaps in the wind.

The smile on my face is amazing, considering I haven't smiled in about two days.

I climb up the ladder ,nearly realizing how far I've gotten.

The others are awake, and Lukas sits in a corner, looking down at his feet.

"Guys! I don't think Jesse is dead!" I say, showing them the amulet that no longer shines.

I do a double take at it, shaking it.

"It- it was just working I swear." I say, feeling like they won't believe me.

Olivia looks angry, but in a sad way.

She holds onto my short and points to the trapdoor.

"Jesse is gone Petra! I don't know why this means so much more to you than anything else, but we saw the void and her blood. Stop being in denial and just accept it!" She shouts, her eyes staring into mine.

I'm speechless, but my anger takes hold of me.

"I thought you were supposed to be her best friend! You won't even take the chance of if she is alive?!" I scream at her, making Lukas look up from his spot on the floor.

Axle pushes me back from Olivia, looking like he is about to burst.

"Look Petra, we may be good friends now, but let's face it. You and Jesse were all me and you had in common. And if you ever, and I mean ever, talk to Olivia like that again, you will have me to deal with." He growls, crossing his arms.

I narrow my eyes at him.

This fight is one I can't win.

He is bigger and stronger than I am.

Lukas walks over.

"Guys, please. Stop fighting. We are all upset, and we all deal with things differently." He croaks, almost like he hasn't spoken since the funeral.

Which wouldn't surprise me at all.

"I'm not dealing with this! I am telling you that our friend is alive! Why can't any of you understand that?!" I shout, feeling a fire stir up inside me that is unusual.

I storm into my room, grabbing things I'll need.

"Petra. Do you even know where your going?" Lukas asks from behind me.

I pull on my helmet.

"No. But Jesse is out there and I'm going to find her. Even if you guys won't help." I grumble, taking a good amount of food.

I pull out a book and quill, taking that as well.

"Petra, I can't let you go alone." He says, turning me around by my shoulders.

Her takes a step back, realizing how close that made us.

It makes him look awkward but I didn't even realize it.

"Whatever. If you come you are the only one here that cares Lukas." I scowl, hating the fact that they are all turning their backs on Jesse.

Finally, I take a copy bottles of water and a lead.

"If your coming meet me outside in two minuets. If your not out by then I'm leaving." I say, pushing past him.

Axle and Olivia watch me leave, and I jump down the ladder, seeing out little stable of horses.

The pure white one with dark blue hair that Jesse rode is the one I decide to ride.

As I put some of my stuff into the saddle bag, Lukas comes out, taking a light brown horse and doing the same.

"So where to?" He asks, making me nod in thanks to him.

"The last place we would want to go back to." I reply, pulling out a map to the snowy biome.

He shivers just at the sight of the map.

"I wonder how many times Jesse would have slipped." He jokes as we start to gallop through town.

I smile, laughing lightly.

Maybe this trip won't be so bad.


Hey guys! I hope you liked the chapter! So this time Lukas is going with Petra! Hooray! Shes not alone! Anyway..... See you guys soon!


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