Chapter 17- Boom

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Petra's POV

I sprint back towards the treehouse as the wailing of a scream continues over the thunder.

Olivia stands by the ladder, covering her ears.

"Petra! Come on!" She shouts, just bearly making her voice loud enough to hear.

Lukas comes running up too, climbing up behind us.

He closes the door, blocking out the noise.

"Thank god we added a soundproof lever on this tree house." Lukas mutters, sitting down on the ground, holding his head in pain.

Axle looks like he hasn't been able to sleep with the bags under his eyes, while Olivia looks the same, but with bloodshot eyes.

Lukas sits on the ground, almost dozing off then waking him self back up.

"Guys, we need to figure out what that is, and why its so loud." I say, pulling out a map, trying to figure out why it sounds like the person is screaming right beside my ear.

Olivia taps my shoulder, pointing to everyone else.

"Petra, I want to fix this problem too, but we are all tiered. Before we can march into anything head on, we need to be able to stand." She whispers after she pulls me into her room.

I nod, agreeing.

We sit on the red carpeting.

"So, can I just ask you something Petra, you know, without you getting mad or anything?" She asks, looking a bit confused.

I nod, curious at what exactly this question is.

"Do you really love Jesse?" She blurts out, making me narrow my eyes.

Then I think about it.

"I feel like I do, but I'm not even really that sure if love is the right word right now. I know I like her, like, a lot, but I'm not entirely sure if I love her." I say, making her nod.

Silence fills the room for a while, the sound of the scream muffled in the background.

She looks back over at me, eyes filled with tears.

"Do you think its possible that maybe, the scream belongs to" I cut her off, not wanting her to finish that sentence.

"Please, don't say it." Mutter, not wanting the idea to settle in my mind.

Axle buses in, looking spooked.

"Guys, I think you need to see this." He says, rushing back to the main room.

The amulet is on the ground, all the lights shooting up at the roof.

"What's it doing?" Lukas asks as it takes out all the daylight sensor activated lights out.

All the torches in our rooms blow out, and no light is in the treehouse except for the glowing beams from the amulet.

It explodes with white dust blowing in all directions, making us all shoot backwards to the walls.

The screaming has stopped as the dust all forms over the amulet, creating another hologram.

Not of Ivor though.

Of Jesse.

Her eyes are glowing white, and you can just make out the emerald parts of her eyes.

She looks like.....

"All of you. I am here to warn you." Jesse says, making me stand up and walk closer, crossing my arms.

"Why did you go with him Jesse?!" I shout angrily at her, making her sigh.

She looks me dead in the eye, making me shy away at the way they seem to stare right through me.

"I don't have time to answer that Petra. He is coming for you, I need you all to leave the treehouse." She says, looking back as something falls to the floor where ever she is.

"Crap. Guys, please, listen to me and get the hell out of that treehouse!" She shouts before the transition cuts out with a painful yelp from Jesse.

We just stare at the amulet, not knowing what to do.

"Should we listen?" Olivia asks, looking to me.

They all stare at me.

I'm not a leader.

That's Jesse, not me.

"Please, don't make me your new leader. I'm not a good leader." I say, putting my hands up in defense.

They shake their heads.

"Fine we should probabl-" before Lukas can finish the floor starts to fall to the ground, making me jump from block to block at they fall beneath my feet.

Olivia screams in fear as she holds deperatly onto Axle's hand, almost slipping down to the ground below.

Lukas is holding onto a ledge, and I stand, not realizing the block below me is starting to slip downwards.

"Petra!" Lukas shouts and I fall, landing roughly on the ground below.

I look up at the treehouse, seeing it blow into a million pieces, but before I can get up to do anything, the aftershock of the explosion blows me backwards, my back hitting against the tree.

I black out.


Cliffhanger!!!!! I'm so terrible. OK, so I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I have to tell you guys that updates will be a little less than usual. I have Exams soon and I need to study. Yeah. Anyone in highschool can feel my pain. I will try to update in the mornings though, or even really late at night. So yeah. See you guys soon.


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