Chapter 6- Getting to The Farlands

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Lukas' POV (Witherstorm Universe)

I'm dreaming, that as much as I can tell.

The wind is blowing and the sun shines on the hills, making me smile.

Then she stands there, her hair blowing in the wind and a cute look on her face.

I can't help but feel attracted to her, there is just something about her.

She comes over to me, shaking me by the shoulders.


I open my eyes to see Ivor shaking me awake.

The girl Jesse is across the cave, waking up Petra who is cuddled up next to her.

For some reason, even though I know nothing is going on there, I feel a spark of jealousy inside, then something hits me like a ton of bricks.

God, I think I might be in love.

Back to Jesse's POV

Petra wakes up and looks up at me, eyes cloudy from sleep.

"Jesse? What's going on?" She asks, sounding like she doesn't want to get up.

I smile sadly down at her.

"We need to get moving. If we don't the world will be destroyed." I say gently, hoping not to freak her out to much.

She nods and gets up, stretching as the fires burn on some of the blocks.

I watch the group wake up, but the citizens stay asleep.

"Everyone, we need to go to the farlands. It is the only way to make a weapon that can destroy the command block!" Ivor says, making everyone except Petra cross their arms.

She comes back to stand near me.

"Jesse, why are they angry at him again?" She asks, whispering.

I sigh.

"He is the one that built the witherstorm." I answer, whispering to her.

"Do you have something you wish to share?" Ivor asks, looking over at me angrily.

I narrow my eyes.

"Look, you're still Ivor, and you still caused this mess. Don't blame me if I'm still holding a grudge on you." I say, holding my hands in the air.

He scowls, then as I turn around, he gasps.

"You have the enchanted weapon!" He says, pulling the sword off my back.

"Give that back!" I shout, pulling it away and holding it close to my chest.

Ivor stares at me.

"You stole it from my lab!" He shouts, obviously forgetting everything I said before.

I face palm.

"No. This is from my universe, I'm not even sure if it'll work here." I say, staring at the bite marks Reuben left on the handle of the sword.

Petra walks forward, looking angry.

"Whatever. Let's just go to your labthingy and get the super weapon." She snaps, making everyone turn to her in surprise.

She blushes at the attention and shies away behind me.

The Petra from this universe is more youngish and like a little sister than the one from my universe.

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