Chapter 7- A Faded Message

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Petra's POV

Lukas and I have been traveling for days, and we still aren't there.

"Petra, why is it we are going to the ice biome?" He asks for about the fifth time.

I pull out the amulet.

"Because, it seems like if you were going to hide something to get to another place, not in this world, but beyond it, why not put it in a place so cold, so barren that no one would go there." I point out.

He nods, then he looks like he is thinking for a while.

Silence. The only thing that is hear from miles around.

"Petra, can I ask why this is shaking you up so much? Like I get that she was your friend, but I've known you for a while, and you have never cried or done anything like this." He says, making me a bit awkward.

I'm not entirely sure how to answer his question, and I'm not so sure I want to answer it.

He gets the point, staying quiet as the snowy biome comes into sight.

"Oh finally! There it is!" I shout, making my horse run faster towards the biome.

Lukas tries to keep up.

Finally, we cross over, feeling the chill as soon as we enter.

I slow down my horse, jumping off the saddle and pulling out the amulet.

"Ow!" I shout, dropping it as it burns my hands again.

It burns through the snow.

The crystals all make small columns of light climb the sky.

Then, the dark blue one stops shining, now showing what looks like Ivor.

"If you are watching this, you somehow got your hands on the order's amulet, and I suggest you put it back where you found it." He starts, making both Lukas and I confused.

"But, by the off chance you have it for a good reason, I have some things that you need to know about this amulet. One, the dark blue crystal, if used correctly, can be used to travel to another universe, the red one can stop time, the light blue one can go forward, or backwards in time, the green one can teleport you to anywhere in your world, and finally, the white one can create structures that won't be made for years, in the blink of an eye." He explains.

Ivor holds up the amulet in the image, it gets slightly faded.

"Hold the amulet over an important area, with something of a friend, if they are missing. This will transport anyone touching the amulet to them. Just make sure one person stays behind, and you take something of theirs, or you will be stuck where ever you are." He says, the picture cutting off.

Lukas and I stare at each other.

"We need to do this Lukas. She needs our help." I whisper, almost begging him to let me do this.

He nods, but there is a look on his face.

"We need the others to come with you. I'll stay back." He says, handing me an ocelot logo.

I nod to him.

"Let's go then. We need to convince them and get to Jesse before its too late." I say, slipping the logo into my pocket.

We climb back onto our horses, my spirits up, and Lukas' worrying increasing by the second.


The moon is high in the sky as we reach the treehouse, trotting over.

I jump off, leaving Lukas to put the horses back.

"Petra!" Olivia and Axle shout, sounding worried.

I'm still pretty pissed at them, but at this point I'm going to just let it slide.

"Come on get ready. I figured out how to find Jesse." I say, making them stare at each other.

"Fine Petra. We will go with you, but we go tomorrow, when we are prepared." Olivia says, crossing her arms.

Finally, we will actually take action, and find Jesse.


Hey guys! I hope yo uenjoyed the chapter! Sorry that it wasn't so interesting. See you all soon!


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