1: Take Me Home

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1: Take Me Home

I ran my hand through my curly black hair and cracked my knuckles. A wonderful start to another horrible day. I waited for my drunken father to drive me to the awful high school I attended. He yelled my name and I stopped staring at my wall. I opened the car and slid into the passenger seat; trying not to set off an already moody man. Just ten more minutes with him, and I'd be away from his madness.

"Your mother told you to wash the dishes this morning," he said gruffly as he swerved into the right lane. I clutched the seat as my head bumped the top of the car.

"I did."

I tried to control my breathing and stop my head from screaming.

He grunted in response and we pulled up to school. I stepped out of the car and he grabbed my arm. I instantly flinched away from his deathly touch.

"Hey. Give me a kiss," he demanded and I tenderly kissed his cheek.

I didn't want to feel his unshaven face anymore than I had to. I gently tugged away and hurriedly walked away from the car. Thrana was waiting for me at the top of the steps. She hated almost everything on the planet, but was a really good person when all the walls fell. She was a beautiful Latina who hated gender roles and society. Her brown eyes shined with worry and her brown hair was put in a high ponytail.

"Is he drunk this time?" she asked concerned.

"When is he not?" I chuckled and walked with her. She hated hugs, but she still touched my arm. I got two new bruises yesterday: one for spilling milk and the other for turning on a light. I looked at Thrana and tried to blink my clouded thoughts away.

"How many new ones? Or did he stop tonight?" she asked again.

"Two new ones. One on my arm, other on my back," I explained.

We got to Honors English and sat down. I zoned out for most of the class. I didn't like this life I was living. I had an abusive father, silent mother, and barely any friends. The only things that kept me sane were Thrana and my books. Being seventeen didn't help either because I still had two more years in both hellholes: school and home. To make matters worse, my whole body was coated with melanin and girls believed they could whisper about my skin color. It wasn't deep, rich brown, but it wasn't honey cream either.

I ran my hands through my black hair again in frustration. I suffered from PTSD, paranoia, and probably more disorders. The only two I knew for sure were those. I never let them get to me, why waste a life? If I ever told anyone I had PTSD, they'd immediately think I've seen war. And I have, just not the ones you think.

The bell rang and I carried my day like nothing ever happened at home. I walked home a few hours later and it started to get dark. I jogged home and shut the door silently. It was fully dark now and I crept to my room. I sighed and slumped on my bed. I began to aimlessly do my homework while listening to soft music.

"Andiel!" I heard my father yell and I almost jumped out of bed.

He's going to hurt you!

He wants to hit you again!

No wonder no one wants you, your too busy being beat by him. My thoughts screamed at me.

I really didn't want to leave my baby blue walls or vinyl records hanging from my walls, but I had no choice. I tried to clear my head as I walked out of my room. What did he want now? I really wanted to sleep, and forget about my troubles for the recommended eight hours. My stomach began to hurt.

"Yes?" I peeked my head out and walked to his chair in the dining room.

"Get me my beer from the fridge," he commanded and I almost rolls my eyes. He knew I hated beer and he could perfectly get it himself. I handed him his beer and he opened and chugged it. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from flinching and running in the other direction.

"Anything else?" I asked him.

"Yeah get me my knife," he said and I paled. I did as he asked and handed him the knife. My mind was screaming, "Get away! He'll kill you for sure!"

"Is that it?" I asked again.

"One more thing. Why are you such a disgrace?" he asked and I blinked rapidly.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

He lunged for me and I freaked. I did the one thing I thought I would never do in person - I punched him. My fist connected with his face and his head rocked back. My hands instantly flew to my face, and the silence that ensued as deafening.

"Did you just hit me?" He turned back to look at me. My eyes were wide in fear.

"Come here!" He lunged at me again and I turned to run away.

But, he was way stronger. He tackled me and started punching me. I protected my face as his fists connected with different parts of my body. I gasped in pain and tried holding his fist. He bent my arm and punched me right in the face. My head rocked back as blood seeped from my nose.

"NO!" I screamed and my stomach lurched. I felt myself howl and blood coated my mouth. I heard distant screams and something trying to pry me back. My only instinct? Kill. I didn't know what was happening, or what I was doing; but all I could see was my bloody father under me looking at me in fear. I blinked and felt like I was inside my body again. I looked down at my hands and they were covered in blood. My vision blurred as I turned my head to look at him. His bloody hands were shaking in terror as he cowered away from me. His shirt was open, his face was bloody, and I couldn't tell whose blood was whose.

What happened?

I looked up at my step-mother and she was covering her mouth. She was looking at me with a horrified expression.

What did I do?!

"What did I do?" I whispered.

"Get. Out! You wolf! You disgusting creature!" she yelled at me and raised her hands to hit me.

My hands shook as I turned and ran out my house.

I want to be somewhere else. I want to be somewhere else. I want to be somewhere else. I WANNA GO HOME! I stumbled with tattered clothes as I repeated that in my head. Suddenly, it felt like the wind was knocked out of me and I couldn't breathe. I gasped and the scenery changed. I looked around me and there were trees and homes in the grass.

Where was I now?!

I finally turned around to the door in front of me. There was a brown door and it seemed like the house was a burrow in the grassy hills. I decided to knock on the door, and prayed an evil murderer wasn't behind it.

Where am I? Where am I?!

My vision started to blur and I fell to my knees. The door opened and, "Help," escaped from my lips. I fell forward and my vision left me.

Hello! My name is Jenni, I'm 14, and I started this new fanfic titled Home about Andiel, Kili, and Tauriel. Thank all you who checked this out and gave it a try!

Thoughts on first chapter?

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