11: I'm Almost Killed By An Overgrown Wolf

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11: I'm Almost Killed By An Overgrown Wolf

Thorin ran to the entrance.

"Quickly all of you!" Thorin yelled at us.

I stood next to Kili as he shot them. We ran towards the entrance together, and Kili went down. Before I could follow him, a Warg caught me by my foot and dragged me.

"ANDIEL!" I heard Thorin scream.

I clawed the ground as it dragged me away. I screamed and punched its head. My fist rebounded off it, and I swished me around. 

The only thing I could hear was it screaming in its head to kill me. I yelled and brought my sword down to stab it in the head. It instantly went limp and I squirmed out of its mouth. My leg was torn and I was bleeding from a little above the knee down. I crawled towards the entrance and slid down. I fell down on my side and yelled in pain.

Fuck! First my ribs are broken my trolls, and now my fucking leg is torn.

Thorin slid down after me and we heard horns. I lied with my back on the ground, and my hands kept ghosting over my bleeding leg that had been torn by an oversized wolf. Kili was holding my hand and looking at me frantically. He was saying something, but I couldn't hear him.

"Ugh! FucK!" I screamed the last part when another flare went up my leg. Dwalin was by my side in an instant, ready with bandages. Oin had some ointment in his hands.

Ha Oin, ointment.

"Hold her down laddie. This is gonna hurt," Oin warned and Kili nodded.

"What's gonna-" I ended with a muffled scream as my body writhed in pain.

Kili had carried me a few feet away from everyone else, so I couldn't tell what was happening. I yelled in pain as Oin tried to heal me the best he could. The bleeding continued, but Dwalin had bandaged everything up.

I couldn't clearly see anymore; the pain clouded my vision. I had a high tolerance for pain, but this was worse than anything I had ever felt. One of the dwarves carried me on their back and my side hit the rocks. I grunted and hissed a bit at the pain. I could barely make out shapes, so how was I still conscious? I somehow got through the tiny spaces with the help of the dwarves and was carried again. The scenery changed from brown colors to white, blue, and yellow. My head buzzed and time seemed to fly by, soon there was blue then muffled voices and a white room. I heard muffled yelling then short silence. Another pang went up my leg and I bit down on my oversized shirt to scream.

Something pulled it away from me and I felt hands all over me. I I screamed again as I felt something burn in my leg. The pain subsided slowly and I could see again. I gasped and blinked my eyes rapidly again to see. I looked up and it was a white room with a blue ceiling and silk drapes everywhere. Where was I? I looked over and three other tall people were in the room in the corner.

"You may go."

I turned right and there was a tall, good looking guy next to the bed I was in. Even though he looked okay, I wanted to run.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you. I took the poison from your body. Seems like you've been through an awful lot. One of the ladies changed your clothes," he said.

I asked, "Where am I?"

I looked down and I was in a silk blue dress that showed my curves.

"Rivendell," he said, "Why are there thirteen mad dwarves, and a Halfling willing to fight for you?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean by that?"

"Why don't you ask them yourself?"

He gracefully stood up and opened the door. Sure enough, they all toppled over.

"What are you guys doing?" I chuckled and slid off the bed.

My eyes widened and I fell to one knee and Thorin rushed to my aid.

The good looking guy wanted to help, but Thorin stopped him.

"Don't touch her," He said gruffly.

I stared at him.

"Thorin, he did save my life," I whispered.

He grunted, "Come on we've been waiting for you so we can eat."

At the sound of 'eat' everyone dusted themselves off and perked up. Kili was my crutch again and I smiled.

"You're always gonna be here huh?" I looked at him.

My leg was bandaged, but my silk blue dress covered down to my ankles. There was a simple gold thing that looked like a crown, and I snagged it before Kili and I left. He smiled at me and sat me down next him. Bofur was on the other side of Kili, Dwalin was on the other right , and Oin, Bilbo, and Balin were on the opposite side of us. The dwarves were all playing with the food because it didn't have meat. I smiled and laughed. I noticed Kili looking at this one elf and so did Bofur, Dwalin, and I. Kili winked at the elf and smiled.

Should I be jealous? I wasn't a jealous person, like at all but should I even care? I mean we talked about things, and kissed once. Oh, and I couldn't forget Fili told me he was fond about me. So should I believe that?

I'm over analyzing stuff again, ugh.

"Can't say I fancy elf-maids myself. Too thin," Kili grabbed some bread and I was snapped back into reality.

Dwalin peaked his eyebrows up.

"They're all high cheek bones, creamy skin, not enough facial hair for me. Although, that one there's not bad," He looked up and I did too.

It wasn't an elf-maiden.

"That's not an elf-maiden laddie," Dwalin said.

Kili whipped his head to look at him. Dwalin winked and everyone laughed; I chuckled a bit. 

Wait, does that mean that Kili's bi like me? 

I looked at him and he looked at me for a split second, then put his head down. I ate a piece of bread and realized how hungry I was.

"OhmyGod. Does anyone else want their bread?!" I said and everyone threw their bread at me.

I caught all of them and they all cheered. Wow these dwarves had zero manners. I LOVED IT! I ate all the bread I could see and soon I was full. I burped loudly which started a burping chain. Kili seemed okay now.

"Change the tune why don't you? I feel like I'm at a funeral."

"Did somebody die?!"

"Alright lads there's only one thing for it!" Bofur stood up and stood on a podem.

There's an

Inn, there's an inn, there's a merry old inn beneath an old grey hill

And there they brew a beer so brown the man in the moon himself came down one night to drink his fill

Oh the olster has a tipsy cat

That plays the fine string fiddle

And up and down he saws his bow now squeaking HIGH

Then purring low

Now sawing in the middle

So the cat on the fiddle played "hey diddle diddle"

I looked over at Thorin and he was stomping his feet and laughing. He caught my eye and smiled. I smiled back at him. I guess the King could be won over.

A jig that could wake the dead

He squeaked and he sawed and he quickened the tune

And the landlord shook the man on the moon

The song ended and everyone was throwing food, laughing, or yelling. I laughed and stared at the dwarves. I was happy; I was really happy.

I cheered as everyone threw their food in the air. Who cared about my dad or me almost dying or the fact that we're being hunted by a pack of Orcs? In this moment I was free.

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