5: I'm A Wolf for 2.5 Seconds

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5: I'm A Wolf for 2.5 Seconds

I signed the contract and handed it back to Balin.

"Are you sure about this lass?" He asked me.

"Totally. I wanna help you guys. But I need someone to tell me where the hell I am," I said.

Thorin asked, "You aren't doing this for the gold?"

"Gold? What gold?" I looked at him.

"Each member of the company gets a share of the gold. You'd get your 15th," Dwalin explained.

"Shit," my eyes widened, "What am I going to do exactly?"

"Well I guess you won't be needing me anymore," Bilbo started walking away.

Gandalf said, "Not so fast." Thorin stopped Bilbo.

"Give him the contract," Thorin stated.

"What? No!" Balin handed Bilbo the contract and Bilbo began to read it.

He fainted on the spot.

"OhmyGod, hey!" I caught him and gently slapped his face.

I set him on a chair and Thorin and Gandalf followed.

Gandalf said, "Let me handle it from here."

He put his hand on my shoulder and I nodded. He smiled warmly at me; I couldn't help it, so smiled back. I turned and Thorin grabbed my arm and pulled me to a separate place. I stared at him because his touch was surprisingly gentle.

"Why are you doing this?" He whispered.

"Why not? It's an excuse to stay here longer, which means more time away from my dad. And I also need time to heal, and you guys seem cool and look like you know what you're doing. Your dwarves don't seem to hate me and Bilbo saved my life a few hours ago."

"What do you mean Bilbo saved your life?" Thorin's eyebrows creased: he wanted to know more.

"First, Thorin, you gotta stop being hostile towards me."

He looked away, then quickly back at me. I raised my eyebrows and he slightly nodded.

"I got in a fight before this - hence the ripped clothes and somehow landed here. I don't know where the hell I am, or who any of you are. But your nephew, Kili, is a really nice person, so he's been introducing me to everyone. Bilbo was the one who, poorly, cleaned my wounds and bandaged me."

"You know how to fight?"

"You could say that."

He hummed.

"Well, if you don't mind, I'm feeling very sleepy," I scratched my forehead.

He nodded, "Do not fail me on this quest, Andiel."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

I walked away from Thorin and Kili was waiting for me. He was playing with his fingers, and when he saw me he jumped up.

"What did he say? Are you okay?" He asked frantically.

"Yo, it's okay. He just wanted to know why I was coming along for this... quest," I decided to use their words.

"Why did you?" He asked me.

"I don't have a home, Kili. Nobody helped me so I've been doing shit on my own all my life. Yeah, I got a home, but no one likes me there. You're trying to reclaim your home right?" He nodded, "Then I wanna help you get it back."

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