2: I Meet The Cutest Person In Existence

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2: I Meet The Cutest Person In Existence

The hobbit looked down at the girl who just collapsed at his door. He looked out and around - trying to see if this was a joke. Why would an unknown girl be knocking at his door at such an unreasonable hour? Was this Gandalf's doing? The girl had a cut deep in her head and her whole body was bruised through the shredded clothes he could see. What on Middle Earth had happened to her? And why did she call him for help? He had never met her before in his life. She was obviously taller than him and not from anywhere around The Shire.

He knew he couldn't just leave her out on his doorstep. She could be dying for all he knew! He sighed and did his best to bring her inside by dragging her. Now she had left a trail of blood in his house! Bilbo couldn't blame the poor girl, she was unconscious. He quickly set her down on the floor and ran to get wet cloths. Her breathing was ragged and her eyebrows were knitted together tightly. He gently set aside her curly hair and started cleaning her face.

A long faded scar ran down the right side of her head to her cheek; he wondered what in the world could've caused that. A new scar was covered in dry blood on the right side of her head. Luckily, it was merely a scratch. Her eye seemed swollen and her bottom lip was cut. He started to clean all her wounds the best he could with the wet cloth. When he cleaned up as much blood as he could, he set her on his spare bed he reserved for guests. He didn't bother changing her clothes because she wasn't revealing anything, and he had nothing in her size. She snuggled into the sheets and her face contorted. He sighed, and began to walk away. Doubts started creeping in his head and he worried.

What if she's a murderer? He thought. And what if she does this to lure her victims in to kill them?

It's The Shire. His other thoughts came in. Nobody does that around here.

He got to his sink and began to rinse his hands. Bilbo sat down and began to eat the dinner he prepared for himself only minutes before. The doorbell rang again and his face fell. Who was it now? He put on his robe and walked to the door. A muscular dwarf looked down at him.

"Dwalin, at your service," the muscular dwarf said and bowed. His head was covered in tattoos.

Bilbo always knew people who tattooed their heads were never to be messed with.

Nonetheless, Dwalin walked inside.

Bilbo was absolutely baffled. Who were these people?!

"Excuse me, but do I know you?" He asked Dwalin.

"No." he said rudely," Which way is it laddie?" He asked as he took off his jacket. His hands were covered in tattoos too.

"Which way is what?" The hobbit asked curiously.

"Supper. He said there'd be lots of it," Dwalin answered the hobbit and walked around his house.

"He said? Who said?" Bilbo asked curiously.

Bilbo watched the dwarf eat the food he had saved for himself and thought about the wounded girl.

"Are you, by any chance, friends with that girl?" Bilbo asked quietly.

Dwalin stopped eating to look at him, "Girl? What girl?"

Bilbo heard a groan and turned his head. The dwarf reached for something that wasn't there. The girl came hopping on one leg around the corner. She sat on the edge of the table and looked up.

Andiel's POV:

I stared wide-eyed at the two men. Who were they?

"Which one of you cleaned me up?" I asked and the man eating looked at the one staring at me.

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