31: Confessions of the Old

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31: Confessions of the Old

The sun was saying goodbye as we got to Bard's house. Kili and I were absolutely worse, but I could walk and he couldn't. Bard opened his front door and wasted no time turning us away.

"Wait! Nobody else will help us! Kili and Andiel are sick," Bofur looked back at us, "very sick."

Bard was fighting with himself as far as I could tell.  Something felt like it was crawling up my throat and I held the railing. I turned around and coughed blood into the murky waters below. I choked for a second and tried to calm myself down. I heard Bard grunt and I slightly turned around.

"Come in, quickly," he instructed and held out the door.

Oin and Fili carried Kili and Bofur was my crutch. Bard threw stuff off two tables and brought them together. Bofur set me on one and the others set Kili on the one next to me.

I couldn't tell what time it was anymore. I wouldn't stop throwing up, and Kili was groaning and screaming next to me. I wanted to stop all his pain, but I couldn't. How could I when I was going through the same thing? Oin's water didn't help, and Kili kept holding my hand.

I shuddered and it felt like my body submerged in body-freezing water. Feeling left my toes, but the top half of me felt like it was on fire. Kili's eyes were glassed over, and Fili was holding his head. My stomach felt like a hot iron was being pressed to it, and I cried out. Kili and I couldn't stop writhing.

"I need herbs or something! Do you have any kingsfoil?" Oin was frantic looking in pots.

"No it's a weed. We feed it to the pigs," Bard replied and Bofur shot up.

He said, "I'll go get it! Don't move."

With that, he was gone.

Where the hell would we go?

I cried out in pain. Fili was at my side when something crashed through the roof. Bard and Bofur were gone leaving the four of us with Tilda, Bain, and Sigrid. I looked up and there was an Orc charging at me.

"FUCKING HELL!" I yelled at the sky.

I forced my body to roll on top of Kili's to protect him. An Orc pulled at our feet and I clutched onto Kili for dear life because I couldn't kick out. Kili was staring up at me, although he wasn't. His eyes were milk white with a bit of gray, and he was a deathly pale grey. It brought tears to my eyes. I loved him so much and now we were going to die together. The pulling stopped abruptly and I turned my head.


As soon as I saw her red hair, my vision started to get worse. An Orc crashed next to us, and my vision left me completely. Red and green slid in front of me, and I forced myself to get off of Kili. Since I couldn't see, I fell to the floor and screamed as I held my arm. I could only see black.


My eyes snapped open and I gasped. White. I looked down and was shocked at what I was wearing. It looked like what Clara wore when she met Robin Hood in Doctor Who. My hair was in curls and fell to the middle of my stomach. I ran my hands through them, and my fingers didn't get tangled once.

That's odd. Where am I? And why am I wearing two inch black heels?

A voice rang in my head. You are safe now.

Am I really though? I thought.

"A-Am I dead?" I called out.

A chuckle, "You certainly don't look dead."

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