24: Who Is This Guy?

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24: Who Is This Guy?

Fun Fact: I can't swim. So when I plunged into the water, I stayed there for five seconds gasping for air and hitting my legs against the jagged rocks of the waterfall. A hand yanked me up and I coughed out water. It was Kili, but he soon let me go because of pain and I held on to the barrel. Dwalin's came up and my head knocked into it.

"UGH!" I yelled.

"Andiel!" Dwalin yelled and pulled me into one of the empty barrels. "Duck!"

He hit an Orc and got its sword.

My arm was gushing blood and I didn't know how to stop it. I winced in pain and inspected it. Around the hole it was black, and blood was dripping down from it. The hole closed up with a sizzle and I looked at it confused. My skin turned a dark greyish blackish color and my arm went limp. My knees were scraped and my head had a new bruise on it - it was like a party of scars. Each one boasting about how they got onto my head. We were engulfed by water, and Dwalin threw me a sword; I got it with my right hand, but quickly realized I couldn't fight well due to my left arm going out of commission.

Bombur was basically a boulder, Kili was wincing in pain, Dwalin was being badass, and Legolas had used the dwarves as stepping-stones.

"It's alright lass, the Orcs have finally left us," Dwalin said after we got away from the battle.

We had to paddle down a river, and I kept hitting my lip arm on the barrel, so I angrily shoved my arms over so they hung over the barrel.

"BILBO!" Thorin yelled as we got to shore, "WHERE'S THE HOBBIT!? BILBO!"

"Thorin, I'm right here," Bilbo said on the shore.

"Master Baggins! Are you alright?!"

"Yes!" Bilbo laughed and smiled at the dwarf.

Thorin did the same. A pang went through my body, and I fell to my knees. My knees screamed in pain too, so I flipped on my side. I looked down at my stomach, and it the gash looked exactly like my arm.

"FUCK!" I yelled in pain and put my head back.

I squeezed my eyes shut and and held my limp arm.

Kili was holding his thigh.

Thorin commanded us, "Come on. We have to move! There's an Orc pack on our tails!"

I said from the floor, "Thorin, I can barely move, and there's a river. Where the hell are we gonna go?"

"We can't. Kili and Andiel are wounded," Oin said.

"Bind them up. Quickly! We keep moving," Thorin commanded.

He was tense, we all were. We had no weapons, two of us were badly injured, and we were stranded with no boat to cross the river.

Dwalin helped me sit upright and I gritted my teeth in pain. Oin and Fili helped Kili.

"To where?" Balin asked.

"The mountain," Bilbo shivered as he spoke, "We're so close."

Another pang went up my arm as Dwalin was bandaging my knees and I had to keep from cursing.

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