12: Rivendell's Beautiful

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12: Rivendell's Beautiful

The dwarves decided to go take a bath in the fountain and wanted me to come along. I quickly said no and scurried away. I really didn't feel comfortable with being naked with thirteen dwarves, and I especially didn't feel comfortable with seeing thirteen variations of dicks.

I sighed and started to walk around Rivendell. It was absolutely breathtaking! How could the dwarves not like elves? I turned to look at all the rocks, waterfalls, and intricate patterns in the walls and floor.

I inspected my new wardrobe: long silk blue dress with those things princesses had on the sleeves that draped down their arms and almost touched the floor. My wavy hair was now straight and down to my waist. How long had I been in that state for them to be able to do all this to me. I had the little gold crown thingy I snagged on my head, and I really liked the cute little pattern. I felt beautiful.
I grabbed the ends of my dress, and now I could stand on my left foot. I sat down and peeked under the bandages. I hissed as I stared at it. Some of my skin stuck to the white bandages, but I wasn't bleeding. I stood up, and when I didn't stumble, I began to walk around Rivendell with a smile. I felt so happy: there was no old man to tell me I was disgusting; no school or ignorant bitches telling me how to live; I wasn't dying; and I actually liked living for once. Dwalin and Thorin were being hella nice to me, and looking out for me.  AND Kili was fond of me.
I looked up at the sun and put my fist up like John in The Breakfast Club.

"WOOOOHOOOO!" I yelled.

I walked until I got to some stairs, and I looked inside to see if anyone was around. I quietly grabbed the hem of my dress, and walked in. There was a broken sword on display, and I ran my hands against all of its jagged shards. My head snapped back and I gasped.

I saw a brunette man leading ghostly figures to battle, a white bleeding tree, four hobbits, Gandalf, and a flaming eye. I yanked my hand off and fell to the floor. What just happened? Does this happen to everyone who touched it? If it did,  why the hell was it on display?!

"Need some help?"

I blinked rapidly. I turned around, and tried to pick myself up, but it only caused me to slip.

I chuckled and held out my hands, "Please?"

The attractive man helped me up.

"Thank you," I said and he turned over my hand.

I asked him, "Who are you?"

"Elrond. Ruler of Rivendell," he smiled down at me because he practically towered over me. He inspected three tiny brown spots on the base of my knuckles. "What happened there?"

"I got those from punching a wall," I said causally.

"And that one?"


He nodded and let my hands go. The way he was, couldn't make me weary of him.

"Seems weird for humans to be this far to the west," he said as he walked away. 

I followed him until we got to a balcony, and I stepped a little back because I didn't like heights. The sight was breathtaking though. Clear waterfalls, and green land everywhere.

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