41: Fuck With Me

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41: Fuck With Me

If there was one thing I hated the most out of my eighteen years alive, it was war. I stayed as a bear the entire time, and I fought in Dale by Gandalf and Bilbo's side. I barely felt any pain, and when I did, it was because I had stepped on an Orc's pointy helmet. I had significantly dropped the number of Orcs in Dale, but it still wasn't enough. It seemed like the flow of the Orcs was never ending. I had taken out all the large ones first, so the people would be left to deal with the smaller Orcs, and that seemed to help a lot.

I turned back into my base form and gasped in pain.

"Andiel?" Bilbo asked, riddled with worry, "What's wrong?!"

I sighed and held my side in pain. I yanked out a dagger logged in my side and laughed.

"How long do you think that was in there?" I asked and let it fall to the floor.

My armor clung to me so I wriggled it off in anger.

"Have we been fighting for hours?" I asked, "Where is our Company?"

A trumpet answered my question, and I looked at Bilbo. We ran to look over the bridge, and a large gold bell burst through the makeshift gate Thorin wouldn't let us open. Thorin, Fili, and Kili led the charge of the Company; the dwarves began to rally and fight harder. I could hear Dain's faint war cry and a smile crept on my face. I looked up at the bright sky, and a sliver of hope ran through me. Maybe, just maybe, I could save them all.

"Thorin! The dwarves! They're rallying!" Bilbo said to Gandalf.

Gandalf smiled and replied, "They're rallying to their king."

The three of us continued our fight until Bilbo stopped.

"Gandalf!" Bilbo called, "It's Thorin!"

I turned to what he was looking at.

"What are they doing up there?" I asked.

Gandalf huffed, "He's with Fili, Kili, and Dwalin. He's taking his best warriors."

Bilbo and I asked, "To do what?"

"To cut the head off the snake."

I whispered, "Azog."

I heard hooves and turned around.

Legolas called out, "Gandalf!"

"Legolas Greenleaf!" Gandalf said and sagged in relief.

I looked behind him and stared at the beautiful redhead. Her eyes met mine and she grinned.

"You're alive," she whispered into my hair as we hugged.

I replied, "It's good seeing you too."

Legolas declared, "There is a second army! Bolg leads another army of Gundabad Orcs. They are almost upon us."

"Gundabad?" Gandalf asked, "This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces then Bolg sweeps from the north."

"T-t-the north?! Where is the n-north?!" Bilbo yelled exasperated.

"Ravenhill," Gandalf said gravely.

I asked, "What? Where is that?"

"Thorin's up there!" Bilbo yelled and my insides went cold. "With Fili and Kili! They're all up there!"

I looked at Ravenhill in horror.

"No, no, no, no." I kept repeating.

I turned around and sprinted in bear form towards Ravenhill. When I got there, I skidded to a halt on the ice and growled. I turned back and walked towards Dwalin.

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