30: Bad Luck

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30: Bad Luck

I look around at the desolate landscape. Dead bodies lie everywhere and blood seeps into my boots. It takes everything I have in me not to scream and run away.

YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE THIS CURSE! You are already doomed to die. My abuser's words ring through my head.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT? YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A DRUNKEN BASTARD!" I yell into the wind. A mountain near me roars and explodes. I cover my head and whip around. It's seeping lava.

HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN WHAT I CAN DO HERE? The voice rings. I can watch you suffer.


He's in front of me in a second. I gasp and stumble back instinctively.

"Oh can't I?"

I'm blown back by an unknown force, and my back hits a jagged rock. I cough and looked up.

"Kili?" I whisper.

I can't stand - it's like there's something holding me down. I look up at the man holding the love of my life by his neck.

"This is what happens when you disobey me!" He yells and Kili looks at me.

"NO!" I scream and a knife finds its way through Kili's heart.

I jerk back, and the presence leaves my back. My mouth can't form anything as I watch him fall like a piece of paper. When he lands, his blood splashes on my face as I stare at his body.

A sharp pain runs across my neck, and I die.

I gasped and woke up; my hands flew to my neck to check for any injuries. I coughed and wiped my eyes. I really needed to stop having dreams like that.

"Andiel, are you alright?" Thorin was crouching next to me and holding my hand.

"Y-yeah. Just a bad dream." My voice was hoarse and I didn't know why.

He said, "Come on, we have to leave now."

I nodded and looked around.

"Where's Kili?" I asked him, "He's alive right? Am I going crazy?! Thorin-"

"Amrâlimê, I'm fine," I looked up and let go of Thorin's hand.

I launched myself into Kili's arms and held him tightly. Thorin ushered us out of the hall, and we all left. Kili held my right hand and Thorin was in front of us.

"Um you do know we're one dwarf short right?" Bilbo said.

"If he's not here we leave him behind," Thorin said gruffly and I kept forgetting he was this brooding King whenever he was kind to me.

Balin added, "We have to if we are to find the door before the sun sets."

Everyone was crowding around us and cheering; it made me jumpy. We were about to step onto the boat, but Thorin put his hands on our chests.

"Not you two. We must travel at speed you both will slow us down," Thorin said.

I blinked at him.

"What are you talking about? We're coming with you," Kili said and griped my hand tighter.

"No. No," Thorin said and I looked at him.

I responded, "Thorin, what you told me about Erebor is the exact reason I need to go. I need to help you guys get your home back! What do you mean we aren't going to come along?"

I should've expected this. Less than twenty-four hours ago, I was crying about how I wouldn't make it. We could barely even walk here, how could we manage to get up a mountain?

This was just like in the eighth grade when my dad made me miss a field trip that I had been waiting for for two years, just so I could see him receive a laminated paper; ironically he didn't show up to my graduation because I wasn't valedictorian.

"I'm going to be there when that door is opened. When we look upon the halls of our fathers Thorin-" Kili started.

Thorin held our heads, "Kili, Andiel. Stay here. Join us when you're healed."

He smiled warmly at us and I let out a sigh. I hugged him because I knew I wouldn't see him again.

History, don't repeat this with another generation.

Dwalin stared at me and held out his hand. I let Kili's go to take it.

"Lass, I'll see you later," his voice was grave and I kissed his forehead.

I smiled, "I'll make it out alive, I promise."

"I take your word for it," he said and squeezed my hand.

I let go and stood next to Thorin talking to Fili.

"...tales you told us. You cannot take that away from him!"

Thorin tried, "Fili."

"I will carry him if I must!" he yelled at Thorin.

"One day you will be king and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for one dwarf and human. Not even my own kin," Thorin said and I looked at him shocked.

I punched his red coat and let out a sigh of rage.


"Go. Reclaim your homeland Thorin. One dead human won't do any difference," I said.

My arm seared in pain and I bit my lip.

"Fili, don't be a fool. You belong with the Company," Thorin said and tried to stop Fili who was going to Kili.

"I belong with my brother."

He wretched from Thorin's grasp and walked over to Kili. Thorin squeezed my right shoulder and stepped onto the boat just as Oin stepped off. The trumpets sounded and my ears ached with the volume. I crouched in front of Kili. He struggled to look at me and I held his face. He slumped and Fili caught him. Bofur came out of nowhere and I waved at him.

"Heh, I'm not the only one left behind. Andiel your ear!" Bofur called out and I looked at him.

"Kili!" Fili held his brother and I put his hair behind his ear.

He was super sweaty and I tried to open his shut eyes. His breathing was ragged, but he was breathing nonetheless. Something cold ran down my neck and I looked at it: it was Bofur's hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked and his finger pulled away.

He showed it to me and I touched my ear. It was bleeding.

"Come on," Fili said, "we have to get to Bard's quickly."

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