18: Kili & I Have Fun

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18: Kili & I Have Fun

It took a solid hour just for all of us to get off the fucking cliff and find our bearings. I don't know how many months had gone by since I first got here. My scars from my back, arm, and head healed a lot better than I expected it to. I also changed a lot: I didn't flinch anymore, and I stood my ground. I could now shoot an arrow and hit the mark exactly where I wanted to. Kili and I started to kiss more and joke around. I didn't realize I was in love with him until we were sitting next to each other by a stream. No words were exchanged, and we sat in silence. My head was on his lap and he was humming. I noticed all the scruff, his hands, his calming voice, cheeky grin, little brown bangs that almost always went into my eyes.

He looked down at me, "What are you staring at?"

He chuckled. I grabbed his head and brought him down for a kiss. He gripped my waist and we just kept kissing for minutes.

"If you ever die, I'll go out of my fucking mind. I can't lose you. I love you too much. I love you Kili," I said and looked at him.

"I'm not going to die silly. And if I do it'll be in your arms, and we'd die together. I love you, Amrâlimê, nothing will ever change that."

I asked quietly, "What if you fall out of love with me?"

"I could never do that," he smiled and ran his finger down my face.

I smiled brightly at him.

"Hey," he asked, "Can you turn into a wolf for a second?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why?"

"I wanna tell you something."

Even though I was confused, I turned into the black wolf. He held my head and pressed his to mine.

"Even Fili doesn't know about this. All my life I have seen a black wolf protect me, take care of me, and watch over me in battle. Now I've met you and realized you were the black wolf I had seen. At Bag End I saw the wolf lead up to the brown door and vanish inside. Then I saw you and instantly knew I wasn't going mad. You're my star, my moon, my love. Andiel, I love you," he ended.

I quickly turned back and stared at him. He wasn't lying. Tears prickled in my eyes and I tackle hugged him.

"Please don't leave me," I whispered.

He replied, "Never."

I buried my head in the crook of his neck. I could finally be happy because I wasn't alone anymore. When we pulled back, he wiped my face.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

I stammered, "N-no! You didn't do anything wrong. You did everything right."

"Then why are you crying, amrâlimê?"

He said it like it was my name and I smiled and looked down.

I replied, "Because you love me."

He immediately softened and ran his hands through my hair. Both our hairs had a braid from the other and I freaked for twenty minutes when I thought of all the styles I could do - I just couldn't pick. He kissed my forehead, and I closed my eyes and let him.

"Come on," I smiled, stood up, and held out my hand, "There is a perfectly good stream in front of us to get wet and mess around in."

He smiled wider, and took my hand. We both took off our shirts, and I had to take off my pants so it wouldn't get wet and extra-baggy.

I giggled as we ran to the stream; he picked me up, and spun me around. I laughed and we chased and sprayed water on each other. I jumped on him and he caught me; I pecked his whole face and he laughed. His hands ran up and down my thighs and back. I smiled and kissed his nose. He stopped.

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