22: I Hate Thranduil More

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22: I Hate Thranduil More

"We found these dwarves," an elf said it with such disdain I wanted to punch them, "on the elven road."

"Is this how you treat people? Who are starving and just taking a pathway through your lands?" Balin said.

"Yes, if they are using my path," Thranduil said.

"Why are you so stuck up? It's a path bro. If you make one, everyone's going to use it, not just your people," I said.

The King got off his chair.

"Send them all to the dungeons. Except her and Thorin Oakenshield."

The elves grabbed the others and pushed them away.

"Now," he said, "What does a Gricogon and a pack of dwarves want with me and my kin?"

"How did you even know?!" I asked shocked.

"I sensed it when you walked in."

My mouth hung open as I stared at him.

"My business is no concern of you," Thorin snarled.

Okay, but guys he could sense it. Sense.

"Wait," I asked, "Aren't you that fucker who left the dwarves to basically die at the hands of a fire-breathing dragon?"

"Andiel," Thorin's tone warned me.

"If I cut off your head, will you speak to me like that then?" Thranduil asked.

I glared at him; I could basically feel the anger radiating off of Thorin.

"I really don't like you," I stated.

He continued, "There are gems I desire: White Gems of Starlight. I offer you my help, in exchange for those gems."

"I am listening," Thorin grumbled.

"I will let you go," Thranduil paused, "If only what is mine is returned to me."

Thorin walked away to the edge of the oak.

"I would not trust Thranduil, the great king, to honor his word. TIL THE END OF ALL DAYS BE UPON US. YOU!" He turned around, "LACK OUR HONOR! I have seen how you treat your friends. We came to once starving, homeless, seeking your help. But you turned your back. You turned from the suffering of MY people. And the inferno that destroyed us. IMRID AMRAD URSUL!"

Damnnnnn drag the bastard to hell and back, Thorin!

Thorin was standing next to me now and pointing at Thranduil. In a second Thranduil was in his face.

"Do not talk to me of dragon fire!" Thranduil hissed in Thorin's face, "I have faced the great Serpents of the North." His skin started to peel away and it showed his glistening white eye and scared flesh. I refrained from making a horrified face. "I warned your grandfather what his greed would summon, but he would not listen. You are just like him-"

"That's not true!" I interjected with a yell as he walked to his throne, "Go run away and hide on your high ass chair!"

"SILENCE!" He yelled, "THROW THEM IN THE DUNGEON. A century is a mere blink in the life of an elf. I'm patient. I can wait!"

Guards seized Thorin and I and dragged us away. They threw us in a cell and locked the door. I looked at him and he sat down.

"Did he offer you a deal?" Balin asked.

"Aye. And I told him he could go – different language – him and all his kin!"

"Is that a curse word in Khuzdul?" I asked and he nodded. "I wanna learn it so I can curse people out."

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