19: Excuse Me, What?

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19: Excuse Me, What?

"His name is Beorn and he's a skinchanger. Sometimes he's a black bear; other times he's a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable, but the man can be reasoned with. However, he is not overfond of dwarves." I stopped petting the ox in the corner, "And no Andiel you cannot fight him if he insults them. Get some sleep all of you! You'll be safe here tonight, I hope," Gandalf finished.

I made sure to pet every single animal in the whole house. The ox was Fredrick, the two horses Smebulock and Scrumzeble, the bees I just called mini Kazui's because they were so cute, the ram Josfeh, a dog Lawfeze, and multiple others. My head started to hurt, along with my stomach. Sleep was the best choice, so I got comfortable on the floor and let sleep take me.


A large hand covered my mouth and I was shocked from my sleep. The hand dragged me and I kicked out. My scream was muffled by the hand and I tried to reach out of it's grasp. The hand pulled me from out the door and threw me to the ground. I gasped and pulled out one of my daggers. It was dark out and I didn't need memories of my dad attacking me.

A deep accent said, "Calm down. I will not hurt you."

"Yeah like I'll fucking believe that. What the hell is wrong with you? Who are you and why'd you bring me out here?" I snapped and held my daggers.

A tall man emerged from the darkness.

"I have not seen one of your kind around here for a very long time."

"I'm a human," I said quickly.

"No you are not that. Has no one really told you? You should be feeling pangs already. Can you turn into one or two animals?"

"Excuse me?" I asked, "What are you talking about?"

"You have been feeling stomach pains right?"

"Yeah. So?"

"How bad was the last?"

"I almost passed out. Like I said, what's it to you," he was way taller than me. Too tall, maybe as tall as Gandalf.

He said simply, "Prepare yourself."

"Wha- what?" I asked, "For what?"

He looked up and I averted my eyes to look at what he was looking at. The moon shines and I shrugged.

"It's just a moon. What's so-"

My eyes widened and I fell to one knee. I stared at my leg. It felt so heavy, I could almost scream.

"I am Beorn. Do not fight this. It will only get worse if you do."

"Wha-what?!" I whispered and looked up at him.

My right leg snapped and I cried out. My head felt like it was going to burst, and I held it as my other leg snapped too. I yelled and turned on my back. I gasped as my right arm broke, then the left. I screamed and it sounded like it was mixed with a howl. My back outstretched and my clothes began to rip. I turned on my knees and my breathing was ragged.

Everything hurts. What the fuck is happening?

"What's," I paused to scream in agony, "happening to me?!"

My jaw expanded for my long fangs and I roared. My ears grew longer; my hands morphed into claws, and with one final scream all the pain vanished. My eyesight had tinted yellow and I was gasping loudly. Only I wasn't gasping, I was roaring.

You're the last Gricogon. I sensed it from when your little friends occupied my home. Beorn's voice echoed in my head.

Wait what? Grico-what?

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