11: New Uniforms

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I woke up and immediately started to stretch. Today is my first competition in Korea. I'm actually really excited. I washed up, changed, grabbed my backpack, and walked downstairs.

"Good morning father." I said.

"Your competition is today isn't it?" He asked and I nodded.

"I expect you to win." He said. I rolled my eyes. When do you care about my dance life. I nodded and walked out, grabbing an apple in the process. I know, I need a bigger breakfast, but I don't have time. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I saw Jimin walk out of his house as well. We walked towards each other and met in the middle. When we did, I realized that he was holding a brown paper bag. He sighed.

"Why won't you listen." He said. Then, he took my hand and put the paper bag in it. Curiously, I looked inside and saw a banana, a cup of yogurt a granola bar, a small package of almonds, and a water bottle. I looked up at him.

"An apple is not going to give you enough energy. You have to eat more if you want to do good." He said. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Jimin." I said and he nodded. Then, as we walked, I took out each item and ate them. By the time we were at the school, I was done. I threw the bag and my trash away and joined Jimin again.

"How did you know that I didn't eat breakfast?" I asked.

"I walked into my room after breakfast and saw that you just woke up. By then, I knew that you wouldn't have enough time to eat a full breakfast." He said and I nodded.

"Well, thanks for the breakfast." I said and he nodded. Then, we walked to class and I walked over to Anna and Rachel.

"You guys are walking to school together everyday now huh?" Anna asked.

"I ship you guys so much." Rachel added. I giggled.

"We're just friends." I said.

"Uh huh. Anyway good luck at your competition today!" Anna said and I thanked her.

"I'm really excited." I answered.

"Good. Go make us proud." Rachel finished and I giggled while nodding. Then, Chelsea walked over to us.

"What do you want?" Rachel asked.

"I want Jamie to get away from my boyfriend." She said.

"Who's your boyfriend?" I asked. She scoffed.

"Obviously it's Jimin. Everyone knows that." She said.

"Does he know that?" I asked and she gave me a stern look.

"He knows. He just isn't admitting it yet. The bottom line is, I don't like you constantly sticking to him. He doesn't like you." She said.

"Who are you to say what I like and what I don't like?" Jimin suddenly popped out and said.

"W-What?" Chelsea asked.

"Jamie's my friend. Leave her alone." He said.

"I'm not bothering her Oppa, we're just having a logical conversation." She said.

"Yeah well the last time I checked, I never agreed to go out with you so if that's what you call logical then go ahead and call it logical. But what I'm saying is, leave her alone." He said.

"Oppa!" She pouted.

"Just go away Chelsea." Anna said, annoyed. Chelsea had tears in her eyes as she glared at me. I looked back at her with a blank expression. Then, with clenched fists, she stomped away. I turned around to see Jimin shaking his head.

"Thanks." I said and he nodded. Then, I turned back around.

"Ugh Chelsea is so annoying, can she honestly get a life?" Anna said.

"But oh my gosh Jimin just stood up for you! I ship you guys even more now!" Rachel said excitedly and I shook my head as I laughed. Then, the teacher walked in and the lesson started.
It is now lunch time and the dance team is gathered in the dance room to get ready to leave. Jimin came in holding a big box.

"Alright team! Our uniforms came!" He said and we cheered. He opened the box, revealing our uniform. I was really happy with them. The colors were red, black, and white. The jacket was a varsity jock jacket where the jacket was black, the stripes on the arms were white, and the buttons and lining around the neck was red. On the front left side of our jackets, it said our school name. On top of that, the shirt was a plain white t-shirt and the pants were tight and black. Jimin handed out the uniform one by one and once I got mine, I went to the locker room and changed. Once I got out, I looked at my self in the mirror and smiled. Everything fit perfectly. The pants and shirt showed the form of my body since they were tight. However, the jacket was a little puffy, making the outfit look subtle and cute. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and went outside. It was a little embarrassing to reveal myself since the outfit was so tight, so I wrapped my upper body with my jacket and slowly walked out. When I did, I saw that Bora and Soyou didn't mind the tight outfits at all, the boys looked like they were wearing normal clothes, and Chelsea and her crew were walking around with their jackets off, purposely showing their bodies. I proceeded to walk out shyly as I looked at the ground. Then, before I knew it, Bora and Soyou came up to me.

"Dang girl you have a nice body." Bora said.

"Ya seriously." Soyou added but I shook my head.

"You guys look amazing. The uniform suits you two so well!" I said and they laughed and thanked me. Then, Jimin called us in. When we huddled up, he looked at me and froze for a few seconds. What's wrong with him? He then shook his head and proceeded to talk.

"Okay guys, our bus is here. Let's go!" He said and we cheered as we followed him. When we got on the bus, I went to the back and sat alone in one of the seats. Then, I put on my earphones, turned on my music, and leaned on the window while closing my eyes. The bus started to move so I relaxed. Not long after, I felt someone sit next to me. I opened my eyes to see Jimin with his earphones on and eyes closed. I stared at him with a shocked expression. A few moments later, Jimin slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Is it okay if I sit here? It's only two people to a seat so the rest of Bangtan already paired up. I'm also trying to run away from Chelsea since she is trying to sit next to me." He said. I smiled.

"Sure." I said. Then, we both laid back and listened to our music. After a couple of seconds, I heard Jimin chuckle. I turned to him curiously.

"You dance even when you're listening to music on your phone?" He asked. I looked down at my arms and legs. I was dancing? I didn't even notice.

"O-Oh, was I?" I asked and he nodded. I blushed in embarrassment.

"It's okay. It means that you're a really good dancer." He said. My heart started to feel warmer. He's so nice. "You look nice with the uniform by the way." He complimented and I thanked him.

"You do too." I said back. Then, I realized that he had a SnapBack on as well. "Did you get a SnapBack since you're the captain?" I asked and he nodded. "Oh nice." I said and he thanked me.

"So what kind of music are you listening to?" He asked. I took off one of my ear plugs and put it in his ear.

"Eyes, Nose, Lips." I said and he smiled.

"I love this song. You like Taeyang?" He asked and I nodded.

"I love Big Bang." I said.

"Me too!" He said. "I guess great minds think alike." He added.

"I guess so." I smiled. The rest of the ride was peaceful as we listened to our music. I looked out of the window as I mentally sang along to the song while smiling to myself.

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