16: Working On Project (Day 1)

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I led Jamie to my room. She kept looking around curiously. I smiled to myself. She's so cute... Wait. Aish stop it Jimin. I opened the door and she walked into my room. Then, she walked over to the window and looked out to her room.

"It's weird seeing it from your room." She said and I smiled. Then, we sat down and first did the homework for our other classes. After we were done, I grabbed my laptop. 
"Okay, so we have three days to do the project. Let's do the essay today and tomorrow, then work on the visual aid on the last day." Jamie said and I nodded. I laid on my bed and she sat on my chair next to my desk. I opened up a word document.
"So... Love. How do you want to write about it." She asked.

"Well, we need a better understanding of it I guess. Have you ever been in love?" I asked. She shook her head.

"How about you?" She asked and I shook my head as well.

"Okay... Do you want to watch a romance movie and take notes?" I asked and she nodded. I opened up safari and went to Netflix. Then, I looked up 'romance' and many movies came up. "What do you want to watch?" I asked.

"I haven't really watched a romance movie before... Let me see." She said while coming towards me. I turned my computer and let her see. After scrolling for a while, she turned the computer back to me and I looked at what she chose. "Dirty Dancing?" She asked. I smiled. Perfect.

"Yeah. Good idea." I said. At that, we played it and Jamie sat next to me on the bed. The close distance between our bodies made me nervous. My heart started to beat faster.
We started to watch the movie in silence. I held a pen and notebook to write notes and tried to ignore the fact that our bodies were really close to each other. As we got deeper into the movie, I saw the different kinds of dances they did. I liked it. It seemed light and fun. Very modern. After about a fourth of the movie, Jimin suddenly paused it. I turned to him. He smiled and stood up.

"Do you know modern dance?" He asked. I nodded. Then, he played "I've Had The Time of My Life" and stood up. He started to do modern dance and I giggled. He was good, but it was just really random of him to start dancing. After a few seconds, he passed it onto me and I started to dance as well. We laughed as we danced. After I was done, Jimin held his hand out for me to take and I did. Once we did, we started to slow dance around the room and when we ended, I turned and dipped. After the song ended, we were breathing heavily as we sat down on the bed again.

"I love doing modern dance." He said.

"You were really good." I said.

"Thanks, you too. You're a really good dance partner. I honestly think that you're going to be my partner for championships. If you keep going at the pace you are going, you can dance with me for the partner dance... Because you're pretty much the best female dancer on our team. Bora is good too... But she lacks something you have." He said. I looked at him.

"You really think I can be in that dance?" I asked and he nodded. Wow... I never thought I would be apart of it.

"Anyway, that is for a conversation in the future. For now let's finish the movie." He said and I nodded. We watched the rest of the movie without stopping. With moments of the actors kissing, the atmosphere became awkward, and we threw in occasional coughs to break the silence. After about two hours, the movie finally finished and Jimin and I both had enough notes to start our essay. I looked outside and it was dark. We better work a bit faster.

"Okay... So love is trust, happiness, and commitment." He added.

"Yeah. It's strong." I said. Jimin nodded as he typed. From there, we took turns typing as we critiqued each other's work. After an hour, we had two paragraphs done. We needed four for the essay portion, but it got too late.

"Jimin, it's almost ten, I should get home." I said and he nodded.

"Okay, we will finish the essay tomorrow." He said. We walked out of the house and he walked me to my front door.

"Goodnight Jamie. Good job today." He said. I smiled.

"You too." I said. Then, I waved to him and he waved back. With that, I walked into my house and closed the door. My heart was beating rapidly. I... I think I like him. I let out a deep breath. Am I allowed to have these feelings? I mean... He's so caring and nice. He also loves dance, like me. I shook my head. Aish Jamie, what are you thinking. You and him will never date. He is way out of your league. I shook my head as I went up to take a shower. After I did, I went to my room and was about to close the curtains, but Jimin's voice stopped me.

"Jamie, sleep with the window opened again. From now on, I'll wake you up earlier so you can eat breakfast." He said through the window. I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks Jimin... For caring." I said and he gave me a thumbs up. Then, I left the window slightly open and closed the curtains. I laid in bed. Mom what am I feeling? Do I really like him? Help meeeeee. I remembered him and me dancing in his room. Laughing, slow dancing... I kicked my blanket. Grab a hold of yourself Kim Jamie! I shook my head and dug my face in my pillow.

I watched Jamie close the curtains. With that, I fell onto my bed as I smiled to myself wildly. My heart was beating really fast. I thought of me and Jamie dancing in my room. I looked at the spot where we danced and tried to relive the moment. Wait Park Jimin... You're being so weird. What the heck am I doing. Kim Jamie, what are you doing to me? I let out a sigh. What's happening to me.

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