39: A Sudden Announcement

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Three Weeks Later


I opened the door after eating breakfast to see Jimin waiting for me. He looked all cute in his blue jeans and flannel, and his SnapBack worn backwards pushed his bangs out slightly, making him look so perfect. He looked at me and gave me a cheeky smile.

"Hey beautiful." He said. I smiled back.

"Hey Jiminie, you look so cute today." I complimented. He looked confused.

"Don't I always?" He asked. I laughed.

"Oh get over yourself." I said. He leaned in and pecked my lips.

"I can get over anything, just not you." He said.

"Smooth." I commented. He laughed as he adjusted my crutches for me.

"Let's go?" He asked. I nodded.

"But I am going on foot." I said. He pouted.

"You don't want me to carry you off into the sunset?" He asked. I smiled as I pinched his cheeks.

"It's morning and cloudy. I think I'll live." I said. He sighed.

"Your no fun." He said. I laughed as we started walking. Jimin was considerate and patient enough to match my slow pace.

"Hey Jamie, do you want to stay after practice with me today? I can teach you our choreography for the competition, and we can work on choreographing our partner dance." He said. I nodded.

"Sure, I have some ideas for it already. I'm actually pretty excited." I said.

"Me too, it's going to be awesome." He answered.

After a long, slow walk, we finally got to school. When we did, we saw Shinee walking through the gate, and Minho and I made eye contact for a split second. He flashed me a small smile as he looked away, and my heart suddenly pinched at the memory of what I discovered.

"Jamie?" Jimin asked.

"Hm?" I asked, snapping out of it.

"You okay?" He asked me. I didn't realize, but I stopped walking.

"Oh? Oh um ya, sorry." I said. I continued to move forward into the school.


The bell rang, and fourth period was now over. Jimin and I made our way to the canteen, where we met up with Bangtan and Rachel. I saw Rachel and Taehyung smiling at each other as they held hands, and it warmed my heart to see them so happy together. I turned to Jimin and saw him smiling sincerely down at me, and my heart now melted to know that we were happy together.

By the time we finished eating, there was roughly around seven minutes left until the bell rang for the end of lunch. 

"Hey, since it takes you a bit longer to get there, do you want to leave early to go to class?" Jimin asked. I nodded as we got up.

"Hey guys, since it takes me longer to get there, Jimin and I will go to class first, we'll see you later." I said to the rest. They all nodded and waved us off as we walked away. We walked out of the canteen and into the empty hallway, where only the sound of our footsteps were heard.

Jimin stopped me as we walked by suddenly holding my waist. With a surprised look, I turned around and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm really sorry about my mom. I know she isn't the most welcoming person." He said. I remembered the event a few weeks ago and shook my head.

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