50: Horrifying Words

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I walked out of the convenience store holding two bags of food. I smiled and rushed because I didn't want Jamie to wait long. However, to my dismay, there were three streets I had to cross to get to my house, and the signal lights at each one of them caught me. I groaned in frustration as my impatience took over me. When I finally got near my home, my eyes widened as I saw my mom's car parked in the driveway.

At that, I quickly rushed into my house to see the most heartbreaking scene. My mom had her arms crossed, and at her feet knelt Jamie in tears. My heart broke at the sight and my blood started to boil. My fists tightened, then released the bags of food. I quickly approached the two as I tried to understand the situation.

"What the heck mom what did you do to her!" I asked my mom who gave me an unreadable, careless expression. 

"Do not raise your voice at me Park Jimin, I am your mother!" She answered back.

"No screw that, what did you do to Jamie!" I said through a harsh, rude tone.

"Jimin stop." I heard Jamie say weakly. I looked down on her and my heart ached, seeing her suddenly pale and crying. Why the heck is she kneeling?

"What are you doing Jamie?" I asked. She didn't answer and I grew impatient. "Jamie!" I called again.

"Nothing just... don't yell at your mother it's my fault." She said. I scoffed and gave my mother a dangerous glare. Then, I grabbed Jamie's arm.

"Get up. Let's go." I said. She didn't move. "Damn it Jamie, get up!" I said as I managed to pull her onto her feet.

"Park Jimin, just send her out on her own and you go to your room." My mom said, but I just ignored her and turned around. I tried to pull Jamie out, but she stopped.

"Wait." She said. I turned back and saw her take my hand off of her arm. Then, she quickly took some money out of her wallet in tears, left it on the table next to us, and bowed to my mother.

"For the food." She mumbled. I only grew angrier.

"Bull shit." I said as I grabbed her money from the table and dragged her out.

I stormed out of there with Jamie close behind. I was infuriated, both at Jamie and my mother. I dragged her to a park, then sat her on the swing. By this time, the tears that had fallen down her cheeks were dried, but her eyes were still glossy. She simply let herself be controlled as she stared blankly out into the distance. I handed Jamie's money back by placing it on her lap. Then, I clenched my fists and paced a couple times to cool off a bit.

"What the hell was that Jamie?" I asked, failing to contain my anger. Her tears just fell as she said nothing.

"Why were you kneeling? What did she say to you?" I kept asking. I knew she wouldn't answer, but I asked anyway. I stopped pacing and took a deep breath.

"Jamie please, I--"

"Jimin." She finally spoke. My eyes met hers and my heart broke as I saw a black, hollow pit of despair.

"I-I need to go home. I can't talk right now. I just... I really need to go home." She said.

"Wait Jamie please... tell me what my mom said." I begged.

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