14: Partner Project

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"Psst! Jamie! Wake up!" I heard someone say. I groaned and the voice chuckled. "Wake upppppppp!" The voice said again. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Then, I turned to face the mirror to make sure that I look okay. After I saw that I looked fine, I turned and looked out of the window to see Jimin. He was in a plain white shirt with pajama pants.

"Good morning sunshine." He smiled. I smiled back.

"Good morning." I said.

"Go get washed up and changed." He said. I nodded and followed his orders. Once I was done, I went downstairs and ate the breakfast Elizabeth prepared: bacon, eggs, and pancakes. After I was done, I saw my father come out of his room. I quickly stood up and bowed.

"Goodbye father, I'm going to school." I said. Then I rushed out of the door and closed it. I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs. There, I saw Jimin smiling at me.

"Did you eat a good breakfast?" He asked. I nodded. "Good girl." He said. I playfully rolled my eyes at him as we walked to school.

As we walked to school, I turned and looked at Jamie. My heart started to beat faster. She's so beautiful... D-Do I officially like her now? Is that what this weird feeling in my chest is?

"Jimin?" She asked.

"Hmm?" I answered as I made eye contact with her.

"You okay?" She asked. I don't know...

"Yeah, couldn't be better." I answered. She smiled as we continued to walk.
When we got to school, I went to my seat.

"Congrats on your win!!!" Rachel and Anna congratulated. I smiled at them.

"Thanks! It felt good. I really enjoyed the feeling." I answered.

"Well get used to it because with your moves, you will be winning all kinds of competitions." Anna said as she winked.

"Aww thanks." I answered. Then, the bell rang and the teacher walked in.

"Alright class! Good morning. I'm just going to come right out and say it. I am assigning a partner project today and you're going to have to make a visual aid and essay on the prompt: What do you think we need more of in the world? You can partner up with the person of your choice. You have two minutes to find a partner. When you do, go sit at a table. Go!" The teacher said. Anna, Rachel, and I all looked at each other.

"Um... Jamie?" I suddenly heard behind me. I turned around and saw Jimin.

"D-Do you want to be my partner?" He asked. My eyes widened in surprise and so did Anna and Rachel's. I turned to them and they smirked. "Jungkook and Taehyung already partnered up..." He added.

"Go ahead Jimin. Me and Anna are partners anyway." Rachel said. My heart started to beat faster. Rachel?!

"Oppa! Let's be partners!" Chelsea suddenly popped out and said while grabbing his arm. Jimin glared at her.

"Can't you see that I already asked someone?" He asked.

"Who?" She asked. Then, her eyes followed his and she glared at me when she saw me.

"Not her right?" She asked.

"Yeah, and her name is Jamie. Now let go of me." He said while taking her hands off of his arm. Then, he turned back to me with a pleading look that said: Please save me.

"Um... Sure Jimin, I'll be your partner." I answered. Chelsea scoffed.

"I asked him first!" She exclaimed.

"No I asked her first. I'm sorry Chelsea but your going to have to find another partner." He said plainly. She stomped away as Jimin turned back to me.

"Thanks." He said and I smiled.

"No problem. And plus, it's probably better this way since we live right next to each other." I said and he nodded. Then, we went towards a desk and we sat down.

"Alright class! Now that you guys have your partners, you will have the rest of class time to talk about what you guys are going to do it on. The project is due in three days so good luck!" The teacher finished.

"Okay! What should we do our project on? What do you think we need more of in this world?" Jimin asked.

"Hm... Dance?" I said. He chuckled.

"Dance is love, dance is life." He said and I laughed. "But dance isn't for everyone so..." He said, eyeing Chelsea. I laughed again.

"Okay okay, what do you think we need more of in this world?" I asked.

"Love." He said. I blushed. I don't know why but when he said that, I felt a chill throughout my body.

"W-Why do you think so?" I asked.

"I believe that love can be happiness and peace, which are two other things we need more of in this world." He answered. So deep.

"I agree. It has a good meaning to it. Let's do it." I answered and he smiled and nodded. With that, we spent the rest of the period planning our project.
At lunch, I went to the canteen and saw Rachel and Anna. They smiled at me widely.

"You're very welcome Mrs. Park." Rachel said.

"Yah!" I laughed and so did they.

"I'm telling you, you guys are going to end up dating." Anna said and I shook my head while laughing.

"So what's your guys's topic?" I asked.

"Heroes." They answered. "So many bad things are happening these days, and only a few people are courageous enough to step up to help. We need more people like that." Rachel explained.

"That's really good." I said.

"What about you?" Anna asked. I blushed.

"L-Love." I said. Their eyes widened and a second later, they squealed. "Jimin picked it." I added.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" Rachel said.

"Knew what?" I asked.

"Jimin likes you!" She answered. What? How could a guy like him like a girl like me?

"No way Rachel. That is so not true." I answered.

"Why did you guys pick love then?" Anna asked.

"Because we need more happiness and peace in this world. And apparently more common sense." I said sarcastically. They giggled as they rolled their eyes.

"Jamie you're so lucky. A Bangtan member likes you. How is that even possible? And you have only been here for a little while." Rachel said. I shook my head. These girls... He doesn't like me. Why would he? Or....... Does he?

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