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Thursday, August 2nd, 2016.

Grace brought a red flowery scarf to cover Lolita's head because she was finally getting discharged. The latter collected it with feigned reluctance. David helped her out of the room to the Lift while their mother went downstairs to clear the hospital bill. Lolita stopped in her tracks and sighed. She wanted to apologise to Ryan for her foul behaviour towards him the previous day but he was nowhere in sight. 

David began to fill her in on his plans for the day. He would take her to the park for fresh air and then take her to a salon to buy a nice wig of her choice. Lolita was still mourning the loss of her beautiful long hair and felt really bad for being the cause of its demise. The Doctors that shaved her head had no choice as most part of it was soaked in blood by the time she was brought in. the earlier they removed any obstacle from the way of the surgery the better. Lolita searched around with her eyes for Ryan but he did not come to say goodbye. She felt a sense of loss as she followed her family home.


Prof. Badmus was seated in the living room when they arrived. He was watching France 24 News channel and did not reply to their greetings. Just as Lolita was about heading to her room he called her back. Lolita's heart leaped for joy. Has her Dad come around? Was he going to ask for forgiveness?

"I will not allow you to ruin my good reputation. Anyway, you cannot continue to remain here. You are old enough to care for yourself so kindly leave this house before the end of this week."

Lolita surprised herself and her entire family by her response. 

"Thank you Dad for all these years you have been there for me. Being my best friend, father, provider and mentor. I will move out as soon as I can." With that she left for her room. She sat on her medium sized green leather sofa and bowed her head. Her hands tremble in shock and the realization that her father had gotten worse hit her like cold waves in a snow storm. David walked in and hugged her.

"You are not going anywhere Lollipop."

"Thanks David." He smiled and left feeling helpless all over again.

Ryan has not contacted Lolita since she left the hospital. This worried her terribly. Why was he so silent? Was he ashamed of her? Scared she might attempt suicide again? Lolita fought the urge to call him. It would only make her look desperate. Her employer had given her the rest of the week off. Her contract ends at the end of the term in Septemberand she hoped to be able to finalise the next phase of her life's journey on time.  She thought about Chidi and her unrequited love...wasn't it time to let it all go and open her heart to Ryan who seem to love her dearly? She had thought and played several scenes in her head of the day she would meet Chidi again.

SCENE 1: He would come to her house and beg her father for her hand in marriage and she would say "yes."

SCENE 2: He would declare his love during church service, getting down on his knees, (make the single sisters swoon and jealous) and bring out a diamond ring and of course she would cry and feign ignorance at first then when he bows his head in defeat and wants to walk away she would call him back. They would both run towards each other and hug like lost lovers.

Lolita laughed out loud at her thoughts. She was probably not going to see him again in this lifetime. "Lord, remove his love from my heart completely so that I can accept and receive your blessings in marriage."

Saturday,  August sixth, 2016.

Lolita woke up determined to put an end to her family's new found hostility. Her parents were no longer on talking terms and so she was stuck in the middle with David just tagging along like a lost puppy. It pained her that her once perfect family was falling apart and without remedy...not if she could help it. A part of her pray her father miserably regrets his actions against her but a tiny part tries to pray for him to change. She had numbed her heart against his harsh and unkind words and won't fa victim to the terrible voice telling her to end it all by killing herself.

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