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Lolita took Kgosi to their church so they could see the Pastor. She had called the church's secretary to find out if the man of God was in the church premises. Lolita rejoiced even more when she was told the man of God was free. Her parents had bid them goodbye and the two went to find a solution. She knew Desire felt rejected and abandoned by those who were in her life and she did not want to make things worse by telling her husband the atrocities the latter committed. The journey to church was very silent and the tension in the car terribly high. Lolita's heart ached for Kgosi; what would he do when he finds out what his wife did? But unknown to Lolita herself, Lorato too had gotten her reward: her wedding was cancelled and her relationship with Chidi terminated. As she stepped out of Kgosi's car at the nearly empty parking lot of the church, she felt closer to making peace with all that has been happening. She walked slowly next to Kgosi as they made their way to the Pastor's office.

Pastor Emmanuel had gotten a call from Chidi that morning requesting him to assist in informing Lolita about Lorato and Desire's plans and what happened to his wedding plans. He was not courageous enough to tell her without breaking into tears. Pastor Emmanuel knew it was time to let the cat out of the bag especially with Desire out there ready to exert her revenge on Lolita. He heard the knock on his door, "Lord, let your will be done."


Christine Fani was in her boutique watching how the sales girls were attending to the three customers that just entered through the CCTV in her office. She monitors everything around the large boutique. Experience had taught her to trust nobody especially petty thieves pretending to be customers and of course her sales team that attends to the customers and collect the money. The voice of women of faith singing, "My redeemer lives" removed her focus from the screen to her cell phone. It was an unknown number; she wondered who it was and picked up the call.


"Sweet Mum."

"Darren? My love!" She exclaimed happily. All of a sudden she moved the phone from her ear and stared at the screen. It was a Botswana line...what is happening? She placed the phone back on her ear.

"Yes Mum! I am back and I need a ride from the airport."

"I am coming right away! My son is back!" Christine grabbed her hand bag, car keys and rushed out of the office. "I have an emergency to attend to." With that she rushed out. Her joy knew no bound because her precious son was waiting for her. "Thank you God for bringing him back." She silently prayed as she walked through the crowded mall where her boutique was to the parking lot.

Upon getting to the car, Christine called her husband to inform him about the good news. He was overjoyed and promised to come home earlier to see his son. Christine smiled brightly as she inserted the key in the ignition, turned it and drove off. Her son that had been refusing to come home was home! She drove cautiously although she felt like she should grow wings and fly to the Airport.

She struggled to find a free parking space when she got to the Sir Seretse Khama International Airport. Her heart was beating fast as several questions raced through her mind. Why did he come home now? Is he back for good? Will he go back and never return? She carefully parked her car, came out and began walking towards the main building of the Airport. She walked briskly towards the automatic glass door at the entrance of the Airport and walked inside. She looked around as she walked towards the terminal for international arrivals. There standing waiting for her was her son Darren. A tall, light skinned man in his late twenties; clean shaven and smartly dressed in mustard yellow trouser with a white shirt tucked inside it and a plain dark grey button up cardigan and on his feet a pair of black loafers. It was not his appearance alone that caught his mother's attention for next to her only child was a heavily pregnant Spanish young woman probably in the same age group standing next to him. Christine assessed the scene before her...there was a white gold wedding band with a jade stud on it on her ring finger. She took her eyes off and checked her son's ring finger. Goodness! He was wearing a white gold band. How could he get married without their knowledge or approval? It must have been a short gun wedding then.

She examined the deep brown eyes of the lady then her eyes travelled to the long dark hair cascading down her back. "Darren." She called softly but loud enough for him to hear her. Darren's eyes lit up and he smiled brightly. He walked towards his mother and hugged her.

"How I've missed you mum!" Darren exclaimed happily.

"Darren! I am so glad to see you my son. I love you my son." Tears ran down Christine's face as she patted him on the back and hugged him even more tightly. The Spanish lady watched the two smiling shyly. When they finally broke apart Darren began introductions.

"Honey, meet my sweet Mother; Mum my wife Sofia." Sofia smiled nervously and with an outstretched hand extended her greetings to her mother in law who shook the latter's hand briefly.

Christine suddenly felt light headed. She saw the rings but it was different with Darren confirming her guess. "Wife?" She managed to choke out the word.

"I will explain everything to Dad and you. Let us go home first."

"Of course." Christine replied with a forced smile. She helped with their luggage as they walk towards the exit of the Airport.


Kgosi could not remember the last time he had felt betrayed, hurt, untrustworthy and dangerously angry. He had paid intense attention to what the Pastor and Lolita told him about his beloved wife. Not only was she a liar but she had purposefully orchestrated a vendetta against people who trusted her. How could he have been so blind?

"So you are telling me that she might have a plan to finish Lolita off?" The question was directed to the pastor who confirmed his fears. Where had he gone wrong? How did he marry someone like Desire and most importantly what exactly does his dear wife want to do to the Badmus family?

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