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Wednesday 17th August, 2016.



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Lolita spent most of her day at the hospital. Her father's heart attack was not fatal so he was promised to be discharged by night fall. She felt free, happier and valuable...thanks to Ryan. After pondering about her life and what might happen next, she prayed earnestly for God's direction and his grace concerning the decision she was about to make. As she watched her father sit up to take his medications from a Nurse, her hand wandered to her chest where the necklace she rejected from Ryan only three months earlier rested. He had given her that day but had reluctantly kept it over the months without putting it on. She smiled knowingly as she thought about the new chapter in her life's story. After the Nurse left Prof. Badmus asked her why she was so happy. "It's nothing Dad. I'm just glad that things are working out for us all." She replied.

"Lolita, what are we going to do about your stay in Botswana?" He sounded frantic.

"Oh that!" She said in a nonchalant manner. "I have decided to leave and find my way out."

"Don't be foolish. We could apply for more days at the immigration."

"No Dad. I want to leave."

"To where? Is this because of me?"

"Dad please don't raise your blood pressure. It is because of me. I called a friend in Nigeria last night, so I will be heading home." She replied.

"Please reconsider."

"No Dad. I believe I must do this for me. I need some time by myself...away from the familiar. I want to find myself in a way." Prof. Badmus sighed in defeat. Lolita was determined to leave and he prays it was not a permanent move. 

"But Lol..."She cut him off gently,

"Professor come on! My last job was made possible because of you. I'm not saying I wasn't qualified for it just that I want to do this on my own Dad. I will be twenty-Seven in two months, so let me be the adult for once." She stood up and sat beside him.

"I appreciate everything you have done and will do still. Let me go and I will be back. You will have a stronger, better, more loving and prettier daughter in the end."
Prof. Badmus laughed at the last bit.

"Yes Dad! Don't you think I could get prettier than this?" She pointed at her face and pouted like a little girl denied a cup of ice-cream.
"No girl in the world is prettier than my baby girl." He replied and smiled with pride.

"You have my blessing." Lolita hugged him and promised to make him proud.
"Don't get comfortable when you get there. Your mother, David and I will be waiting for you."

"Of course Dad." Lolita's joy was boundless yet she felt sad about leaving Ryan behind just when their relationship just began. Well he hasn't replied her voicemail!

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