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  Her walk was determined and graceful. Her Afro hair was kept in place with a red scarf that pulled it back slightly matching her red woolen dress and large black luggage. She looked around as she walked out of the Arrival terminal at the Sir Seretse Khama Airport in Gaborone. A tall handsome man in his late fifties stood and beamed joyfully when he saw her. She dropped her bag and ran to his open arms. "Thank you for coming back. Thank you for forgiving me. It was all my fault." They cried in each other's arms. Time seem to stand still as they ignored onlookers' remarks and glares. "Let us go home." The man said and took her luggage and they walked out into the cold night.  


Desire entered her matrimonial home and felt totally dazed. How could this have happened? According to her informant at the hospital the family had reconciled. How could Lolita have forgiven her wretched father? How could she betray her by forgiving the unforgivable? Her own parents did worse to her and she would never forgive them! Her husband was already back from work and was setting the table for dinner. What a perfect gentleman he was. Whichever one of them arrives home early was responsible for dinner but if they are both tired, they eat out. 

Kgosi Edward Gaofenngwe was a tall well-built Christian young man of thirty-two; a lecturer at Limkokwing University under the Faculty of Communication, Media and broadcasting. He had bought her their house as a wedding gift for his wife although he was still paying for it as a monthly installment. He was handsome, brown skinned and very neat and smart. He was a neat freak too which sometimes put her cleaning to shame. She closed the door behind her gently and pasted a smile on her face. Just seeing him had cooled down her head. She liked him but definitely not love. She was not over Darren yet...she like Lolita wanted to see her first love again and move on after that. What if he comes for her? Would she leave this innocent man and break his heart?

Kgosi turned around and smiled brightly. She dropped her bag and hugged him tightly. "Choking, dear wife." He said in a muffled voice. She released him and smiled brightly. She might not love him but he made her happy. 

"How was your day?" He asked.

"Good. Work was just the same." She worked as an auditor at an Accounting firm.

"Dinner is ready. Guess what we are having today?" Kgosi looked at her waiting for an answer.

"I can smell it already. Beef stew with dumplings; my very favourite!"

She hugged him once again.

"Go and change so we could eat. I'm taking you out Friday night so tell that slave driver boss of yours in advance." She blew him a kiss as she walked to their bedroom. The tears she has been holding off fell down her face. It was all her parents' fault she could not be completely happy in her own marriage no matter what her husband does. She needed closure about everything and fast before she loses everything. So far she was able to feign a terrible headache to avoid going to church on Sunday but she did not know how long her pastor and her treacherous friends will spill the bean to her husband.


After saying goodbye to her father at the hospital, Lolita went back home to rest. She had not decided whether to spend her last two weeks with her family. Her mind was already made up about leaving Botswana. She needed time to process everything that had happened and start life afresh. But what about Ryan, the man who seem to love and care for her? She will be doing him justice leaving for her heart was still undergoing healing. He deserved a whole heart not a broken one. Rachael was up waiting for her and hugged her after narrating the event of the day. 

"You are a God girl indeed! I am proud of you girlfriend!" She sat her down on the sofa and pointed at a fresh bouquet of pink roses on the coffee table. "I see brother- in- law has been around." Lolita said with a small smile.

"No Lolita. It wasn't Ernest. It was delivered about ten minutes ago with dinner for you."

"Me? Who would do that?" She asked in surprise.

"Check the note in the bouquet." Lolita obeyed and her heart did a double flip at the name. It was Ryan Johnson. She slowly read the note. The last sentence grabbed her attention, "You are not alone." This made her break down in tears. She felt very tired, heavily burdened and felt overwhelmed with all the love she had received that day, her mother's slap not included. She felt happy, confused and not sure if she could trust her father's change and if she could accept Ryan's love. She had prayed about him and knew she could spend the rest of her life with him. She had peace at heart about him unlike so many others that had tried to win her heart. Some carried her bag the moment she got to the church; bought her lunch at work or after church and many gifts many of which she returned kindly.

Unlike those men, Ryan understood her and knew when to stop and not cross beyond clearly defined boundaries. He was interested and concerned about her faith, life and relationship with God. He also challenged her faith and stand with God. He gently exposed her weaknesses to her and helped her to overcome them. She had slowly retreated in to a new, hard and cold world and he had taught her to trust and live again no matter what happens. She picked up the bouquet and smelled the lovely fragrance. She removed her phone from her pocket and searched for his dials. He did not pick it up instead his voice mail came on. She sniffed and allowed the tears to fall freely.

"Uhm...I mean Ryan...I am sorry for being so ... blind...well deliberately. I need to see you. I really need to see you." Rachael was smiling brightly and gave her a thumbs up. 

"I owe you lunch to make up for our first meeting that didn't work out. Thank you for everything." After she ended the call, Rachael screamed with delight and shouted,

 "I love you right now!" She hugged Lolita and added, "Maybe we could have a double wedding!" Lolita laughed through her tears and opposed the idea.

"What if God already gave him someone else because I was being stubborn?" She sat down feeling suddenly defeated.

"God is very patient and merciful. He brought him into your life at a time you needed him. He came to help you out of your stubbornness and to shed the light of God into the dark areas of your life. I must admit that I listened to your conversation that night when he came here and also when you were arguing with those friends of yours." Lolita looked up at her in shock.

"I knew a guy was involved. Who else could break up a girl group?" Rachael said with a laugh.

"Make it two."

"Two guys?" Rachael's eyes bulged

"Not that kind of guy. It was my Dad. We had some misunderstandings and only reconciled few hours ago like I told you." She smiled and added, "Thanks to Ryan."

Rachael batted her eye lashes and asked, "So when are you telling him you like him?"

"Rachael! Christian girls are not supposed to propose love to guys! It makes one look cheap, desperate and it is not biblical. I want it to happen naturally."

"Yes Ma'am! I agree with you Lol a.k.a. laugh out loud!" The two young women busted into laughter.

"Please end the guy's suffering and see him as soon as possible."

"Yes Ma'am!" Lolita shouted and saluted.

"Now let me put these lovely flowers in a vase while you set the table. Dinner smells good!" As soon as she left Lolita unlocked her phone and went on the internet. She googled, "The meaning of pink roses." She hurriedly read through the results that came out and smiled at herself. Love, gratitude and appreciation. That sums up just what she felt too.

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