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Lolita kept herself busy the rest of the afternoon. She did not give herself the chance to think about the meeting at the hospital. She cooked, baked and prepared beverages. Rachael was knocking off at four and she had promised to get everything ready. As nightfall drew close, friends began to arrive. Lolita played the perfect hostess and made them feel welcomed. Some brought sleeping bags, toiletries and an overnight bag with sleep wear and other essentials. She did not know any of them but recognized them from the pictures she was shown by Rachael on the guest list. She was going to have ten ladies all in all but Rachael did tell her to make extra snacks just in case she added more people at the last minute.

Two hours later, it was now dark outside and the ladies along with the bride to be had their baths and were all dressed in their sleep wear. They took pictures and got ready to watch their favourite movies and dramas before bombarding Rachael with questions about her fiancé. 

"Okay ladies on the list we have... Boys over flowers...I know we still swoon when we see those guys even though it has been almost ten years now since we watched it." of Rachael's friends said with a sneaky smile.

"What else are we watching?" Lolita asked.

"Fireproof, Belle and the beast, the wounded heart and war room."

"Are we really going to watch all this ladies?" Lolita asked in shock.

"Yes! It is called movie-drama marathon! Lots of snacking and lots of laughing and teasing in between and praying too."

"Well it is going to be a fun night. No wonder you guys selected Friday. We can sleep in tomorrow." Lolita added with a smile.

They were watching the third episode of Boys over flowers when a car pulled up outside and doors were heard being opened and shut.

"Expecting anyone else?" Lolita asked Rachael who was wearing a silky white pajamas set with her hair in a neat pony tail and a ridiculously looking fur slippers.

"They are my surprise for you. I did not know they could make it on such short notice. I will get the door." Rachael said and walked out of the large sitting room now turned into a camping ground. All the sofas were moved to one side while the large space at the centre of the room was occupied with sleeping bags, snack bowls, beverages and young women having a great time. Lolita went to the kitchen to get more slices of chocolate cake. With the wedding just two weeks away, she wondered what diet programs her friend was on...well one night of cheating can't hurt.

Lolita was setting the tray of sliced cake down when she someone caught her eyes. No ways! This can't be Rachael's surprise. Ignorance is a terrible thing! I made her promise not to let anyone especially fake friends know about my staying with her! Rachael with a glowing smile walked towards the other ladies and introduced her two guests. "This is Lorato and this is Desire. They will be joining us for the party." While the ladies welcomed the new arrivals, Rachael took Lolita aside and apologized.

"I just wanted to cheer you up."

Lolita could not stay angry with her host after all she was in the dark about everything.

"It's okay Rachael. Thank you for being so thoughtful." Lolita said with a bright smile. She was definitely not happy to see her two evil friends but she cannot dare ruin Rachael's party. Now that will be an evil thing to do...


About thirty minutes later, Lolita went outside to get fresh air. She felt closed in with the new arrivals and wanted to wipe off the fake smiles from their faces with a stinging slap. She sat down on one of the wooden benches of the terrace and began to think about her day. The brightly lighted terrace did little to hide the sad expression on her face. She could not forget the look of defeat on her father and uncle's faces. Tears wanted to flow out but she fought them back. She was never again to cry for any man...not Chidi and definitely not her father and uncle. 

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