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Tuesday 16th August, 2016.

Chidi had sorted the rest of his luggage and was ready to leave in a few days' time. Lorato was waiting for him at the living room of the house of the friend he was staying at. His heart has been restless since Saturday and he was beginning to question his better judgment concerning his upcoming wedding. Could he really marry someone who used him for revenge and acted totally in the dark while watching her friend suffer? If she could console Lolita and all the while knowing how to make the pain go away but decided to work on making things worse...who else could she not cause pain? Definitely she doesn't have a forgiving heart but he loves her! 

"You thought she was an angel" His head told him firmly. "Obviously she isn't." He said out loud.

Lorato attracted him with her warm smiles, caring heart and an understanding mind. Even more, she was a professing Christian who also was practical in her walk with God but with the exception of her love walk...she fell short in that area...he realised that now and it hurt him. "No one is perfect." He was not innocent either for he was very much aware of Lolita's love for him and each time Lorato visited him in South Africa she would talk about how sorry and scared she was about her friend finding out about their romance. He should have showed up and allowed Lolita to move on well in time but he didn't. He too was also a deceiver and a liar and had no right to point accusing fingers. He gave Lolita false hope and made a fool out of her. What happened to their conscience? He took a deep breath, picked up his wallet and cell-phone and walked out of the bedroom. His restless mind calmed as he saw Lorato; looking lovely in a  yellow knee-length woolen dress, brown pumps, a short brown leather jacket and a white Beret. She smiled at him and he hugged her.

 "Good Morning love." Chidi whispered in her ears and she giggled.

"Do you have any idea why the Pastor wanted to see us?" He asked after they broke apart.

"No Chidi. Let us go and find out." She replied and looking around asked, "Where is your friend?"

"He left for work very early today."

"Okay. Let's go." Lorato said cheerfully. She walked out while Chidi took the house keys and locked up.


Christine made herself comfortable and sipped the glass of water offered to her by David. 

"My Mum will see you in a moment."

"Thank you my boy. Where is the professor?"

"He is preparing to go out." By now David already knew every detail of the weekend's drama and was even more alert around Mrs. Fani. Grace came out two minutes later and offered a small smile. David made himself scarce immediately. Christine stood up looking smart as ever in a knee-length white long-sleeved woolen dress and pearls hanging around her neck. She matched with pearl studs and white fluffy boots.

"Please sit down Mrs. Fani." Christine did as she was told.

"I came so we could iron things out. It has been almost ten years since we were last civil to each other."

"We wronged each other and played hypocrites shamelessly. I have prayed for God's forgiveness for us both. So much pain could have been prevented..." Grace's voice trailed off.

"I knew my husband loved women and you could have been a victim... but Desire's presentation of the matter..."

"In the end, you believed the vindictive girl over your longtime friend and made your choice to break up our friendship."

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