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This song by Toby mac and Lecrae fits perfectly for this chapter. Be blessed as you listen. You can find the lyrics at the end of the chapter. Thank you for your support.

Mr. and Mrs. Charleston were dinning with some friends at a restaurant when Kgosi called them about the accident. Both rushed to Gaborone Private Hospital where Desire was taken to after the accident. On getting there they met the Badmus family and their son – in – law.

"Kgosi! What happened to Desire?" Mr. Charleston asked with deep concern written on his face. Kgosi was sitting at the waiting room distraught and had not gone back home to change. His clothes were smeared with Desire's blood which intensified the tension in the atmosphere.

"Blood...where did so much blood come from?" Mr. Charleston's face contorted in anguish as he asked the question.

"The Doctors are doing their best Benson, all we can do now is pray." Grace Badmus came to the hospital after her daughter informed her about the accident she gently patted him on the back and walked up to the now distraught mother who was already weeping on the floor where she had collapsed.

"She will be alright Kemi, just trust in God."

Lolita could not withstand the sad atmosphere anymore so she grabbed Kgosi's hand and took him outside for some fresh air.

They sat outside on a bench and were silent for almost five minutes. Her heart was in so much turmoil too...she saw her old and true friend the moment she saw Darren after so long. The lost child in her was revived and truly it was clear that Desire fell victim to her circumstances.

Lolita's eyes welled up with tears as she took Kgosi's hand in hers and made him look at her. She could not read the expression on his was a mixture of anger, hurt, confusion and denial. He looked away and stared in to the dark sky.

"Kgosi please look at me." She said softly. He did not listen to her but continued to look away.

"Desire was a ball of sunshine when I met her. Nothing could get her down; she gave everything she had so easily. But I did notice her love was a possessive one." She finally got his attention as he looked at her with anger burning in his eyes but she did not let it intimidate her neither did she let his hand go.

"Are you defending her? Are you giving excuses after everything she did to you?"

"No Kgosi. I just understand her a little bit more. She was misguided and followed her heart and mind blindly. I wish she could be disgraced; for everyone to know what she did to us but what are we going to gain from that?" Kgosi's face only hardened the more but still she held on.

"I had the choice to turn out just like she did because I was betrayed on all side but thank God I didn't. God gave me double for my shame; I got a scholarship and now have a man who loves me dearly. I also have my family back and gained a new friend." She took a deep breath then continued, "I am not asking you to forgive her immediately but give room for yourself to heal; don't bottle it up inside and don't allow your pain to turn you into a bitter person."

"Lolita, have you forgiven your own father?" He asked, his face softening at last.

"I am in the process Kgosi and I won't lie to you it is not easy and a part of me doesn't want to do it. Things are awkward which is why I am glad for the scholarship to study abroad...I can get away from everything and be alone with God and my conscience."

"What about Ryan?" Kgosi asked with a sympathetic look on his face.

"I am praying about it and asking God for strength and patience so we could wait for each other." She replied with a small smile.

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