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Chidi and Lorato visited the marriage counseling Pastor after the service. The middle aged man and his wife sat side by side opposite the couple. Lorato beamed happily as her status was about to change from single to married and will be moving to Nigeria to start a new life with her new husband. Everything was working out as it should with the exception of one missing thing... or person. 

"Sister Lorato you are blessed."

"Thank you Ma." She replied shyly.

"My son, please tell me about yourself." The Pastor asked.

"My name is Chidi Chukwuka. I am a born-again Christian by the grace of God, twenty-nine years of age and I work as a Mechanical Engineer at Dawson and sons Group of companies. It owns an Airport in Nigeria and a flying school where I also lecture."

The Pastor and his wife were impressed. They were congratulated then prayed for. After a short session about life after the wedding, they were urged to attend engaged couples classes that took place every Wednesday.

"Thank you very much." Lorato said with sincere gratitude as they stood up to leave.

"Have you set a date yet for the wedding?" The Pastor asked.

"Yes Sir. We are getting married on the second Saturday of September here." Lorato replied.

"Please do come for the Wednesday meetings. We will teach you what God has led us to share with you and also pray with you."

"We are grateful Ma." Chidi said and they left.


Rachael was greeted with the delicious aroma of freshly baked goodies that filled her house. It was about 6pm when she arrived from church. She had gone out for lunch with her fiancé and his church mates from another ministry at 3pm after which they took a stroll at a park near the Restaurant. Rachael was tremendously happy afterwards and soon they will become man and wife. She chuckled to herself as she thought in her heart that soon she would be preparing meals for her new family.

Lolita after cooking had left the house knowing she would come late and Rachael would have arrived from church. She left the key under the carpet at the entrance and left to visit her Uncle at the hospital. On getting there, she was told he had been discharged. Where could he have gone? Back to the hotel of course but who paid the bills? It was surely not her parents but who... her hands turned into fists as she realized who could have felt the need to act the Good Samaritan! Ryan Johnson! She called him immediately and he informed her he was in his office. He sent her directions to his office and she stormed off from the Reception. The Receptionist whispered to her assistant at the front desk. 

"Was she talking to the Director's son like that?" The one who attended to Lolita gasped in shock. "The "Dr. Johnson" that we all admire and fear?" the other one asked in shock.

Ryan smiled when Lolita entered his office. He put aside the documents he was studying on his desk. Lolita felt awed by the large office. It had immaculate cream coloured blinds, two large black leather sofas, a big mahogany table with an apple desktop and on it were neat piles of files one of which he was studying.

 "Who do you think you are huh? The Good Samaritan? King David? Moses? Or maybe Mother Theresa!" She allowed a short laugh to escape her throat but stopped abruptly. She will not give him the satisfaction of mellowing her well brewed anger.

 "Mother Theresa?" Ryan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you think this is funny? What gave you the audacity to pay Uncle Dele's bills?"

"No one from your family wanted to pay. Your parents clearly stated they do not want to have anything to do with him."

"And how did you find that information Ryan if not because you were being the busy body that you were putting your nose where it does not belong!"

Ryan was hurt by her harsh words but did not allow it to show. He stood up and walked around his desk and reached out to hug her but she moved steadily away from him. 

"I am sorry but your Uncle was stranded."

"You should have left him alone after all he was only feasting from the fruit of his labour. Get off my case Ryan and this will be the final warning!"

Ryan reached out and hugged her. Reassuring her that everything would be alright. Lolita freed herself from his hold.

"I will never be ashamed of you Lolita." Lolita wanted to wipe out the annoying smile on his face.

"Shame? You have no idea what that word means Dr. Johnson! I might be a result of a sexual assault! I'm contaminated and even more I will never love you!" the words stung bitterly.

"Where is that coming from?" Ryan asked his arms folded across his chest.

"I am not a two year old Ryan! You are trying to find your way into my good graces so that I will agree to your mindless and ridiculous marriage proposal. The man who wanted to sell me to you has shown you how much he values me...I am nothing and therefore the earlier you see me in that light the better for all of us. Now I will pay you your money so you will have absolutely nothing to hold against me that could EVER bring you within even a metre of me."

Ryan's arms dropped on his side as he looked on as Lolita raved on and on. A thought clicked in his mind. The only way he could be losing control right now is if she was in that time of the month. Raging hormones and unreasonably unpredictable mood swings. But he decided not to mention that.

"What are you smiling at?" She asked calmly.

So right! Her mood had calmed but soon might shoot up again so it was wise to choose his words carefully.

"Just ignore me. I will text you my bank account number so you could deposit the money there." He turned around to sit and continue with his work. As much as he wanted to continue with their interesting banter, he has work to do.

"That felt good. I have wanted to give you a piece of my mind after shaving off my hair." Lolita said with a triumphant smile. 

"You've got to be kidding me!" Ryan exclaimed in surprise. "All that was an act?"

"But you deserve it. Stop acting like a meddling house wife and just stop interfering in my life." She walked over to him and gave him a kiss on left cheek. "Thanks." She smiled shyly and left.

 Ryan put his hands on his cheeks. "Did that just happen or was it a dream?"


Dr. (Mrs.) Johnson had come to her oldest son's house and cooked dinner for him. His house keeper that kept the place clean thrice a week came left about twenty four hours back. Ryan's house was a magnificent four bedroom house at Block 9 in Gaborone. It had a spacious living room with a Samsung flat screen TV, walls painted a light shade of gold, white curtains, yellow leather sofas and a medium sized coffee table with different newspapers on top of it. His mother shook her head in disapproval. She went to his gym room and found it well taken care of. The pool was glistering in the moon light.

 "Thank you God for this family you blessed me with. Please perfect all that concerns my son's life."


Uncle Dele heard a knock on his door. His head was aching badly and the pain killers were not effective. He sighed as he walked to the door thinking it was Dr. Johnson that came back to see him but he was wrong. As he opened the door, standing before him was Lolita with her hands on her hips. 

"Hello Uncle." The older man allowed her in but his heart was beating fast. What would she do? Why did she come? Will she throw him out of the hotel room or would she tell him to leave immediately?

 "I am here for just one thing Uncle Dele." His eyes locked on hers. "I will no longer be responsible for your welfare. So please use the money I gave you to get a taxi to the Airport, leave and never come back. You do not have a family here in Botswana Uncle. Lolita is dead to you from this moment. Lolita is dead."

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