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The fire raged all around her and she was trapped. The heat burned into her skin and the pain seem to be branded into her brain. She screamed and screamed but to no avail. Lorato wanted her dead and that was just going to happen. Her poor parents and brother and worse still her poor fiancé who was totally innocent in the entire mess. 

Was this the end? Was nobody coming to rescue her? Was God going to allow Lorato to win?

The flames engulfed the small room filling her lungs too. She was bound and could not move freely even if she had a way out. And so she laid on the bare floor, crying in agony at how unjust everything was. She must have been out for several minutes for a hissing sound woke her up. How did it get inside the room? A long slim black snake slithered towards her. Already weak and in pain, Lolita knew it was all over. 

"Lord, please save me. I don't want to die yet and not like this..." She prayed silently. Just as the ugly creature raised his head to strike, a new sound filled her ears...beep...beep...beep.

Her eyes fluttered opened to the sound of the heart monitor and the sweet fragrance of fresh red roses just by a stand by the bed she lay. There was no one else in the room. Her throat felt dry and itchy and her body felt terribly weak. She was afraid to close her eyes in case the nightmare starts all over again so she swallowed slowly and tried to look at her body. Both of her arms were bandaged and she could feel a head splitting headache blocking her mind. She felt disoriented and confused but was sure she was alive. She closed her eyes and slowly drifted back to sleep.


Chidi was not comfortable sitting around doing nothing about Lorato's madness. Since he heard about Lolita's disappearance, he had suspected his ex-fiancé. Of course he was happy now that Lolita made it out alive but he was totally confused as to why Lorato went that far as to commit attempted murder. His life seem to be spiraling out of control without any remedy. 

"Lord! What should I do?"

The few hours that followed, Chidi had booked a flight back to Botswana. His visit permit had not expired and still had a couple of weeks. He felt strongly in his spirit that something was about to go terribly wrong but he could not put his finger on it. His mother threw a fit and told him to re-consider even though he could not get a refund for cancellation. In a few days' time, he will be waiting for his flight at the Sir Muritala international Airport in Lagos. He tried calling Lorato's number but the operator kept saying it was not available. 

"What are you up to love? What is going on in that brain of yours?"


Ryan came in right after his shift ended and sat by Lolita's bedside. He said a short prayer and took her left hand bearing his ring. He kissed her hand and sighed heavily. 

"How do you feel today Lolly? I have good news for you so listen attentively okay? The immigration has granted you extra thirty days so you could recover well. Guess what? Your UK visa also arrived and all that is left for you is to open your pretty eyes and end this nightmare." He gently dropped her hand by her side. "I will be here until mum comes and take over at 7 okay. I love you very much and I want you to know that I will wait for you." With that he laid his head by her bedside and drifted off to sleep. It has been a very long day for him.

Lolita woke up as the door of her room cracked open. Her mother walked in and she smiled weakly. She put a finger over her mouth to bid her mother quiet as Ryan was still fast asleep. Grace Badmus rushed quietly to her daughter and hugged her gently. "When did you wake up? Are you alright? Are you in pain?"


"It's okay Lolita. I will sit here quietly."

"Mum...I want water."

The mother dashed to the small bedside stand and poured a glass of cool water into a glass cup on the tray placed there. Lolita gently sat up and took a sip then very slowly drank some more.

"Should I call the Nurses for you?"

"No. I...want to be alone."

"Let me wake..."

"No...Mum." Grace Badmus got the message clear enough. Her daughter wants to be alone with her fiancé.

"Five minutes tops. I am coming back in with a nurse."

"I love you mum." Lolita said slowly and smiled.

As her mother exited, Lolita smiled and placed her hand gently on Ryan's sleeping head. "Goodness! He must be so tired that the sound of my weak voice couldn't wake him up." She laughed silently and nudged him to wake up. Ryan woke up with a start thinking it was the Doctor in charge. He looked up to see a smiling Lolita. He stood up and hugged her fiercely.

"It hurts..." She whimpered.

"I'm sorry! You are back!" He hugged her more carefully this time around and kissed her forehead.

"Love, you scared us all but I am glad you are back. How do you feel?"

"Tingles on my legs and fingers..." she coughed and then added, "Weak...very tired. I must have overslept."

A comfortable silence followed and Ryan took her hand and held it against his chest, looking at her with a longing.

Tears ran down her face as she thought about the torture they must have all endured on her account.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry." She said and lowered her head. He stood up and sat next to her.

"Don't be Lolly. You are back and that is all that matters." He wiped away her tears with his hands and hugged her once again.

Two hours later...

The Doctor in charge had checked on Lolita and left and after her family came and left, Ryan remained.

"It's getting really late Ryan."

"I will go home." He said with a sad smile.

"Ryan...I don't want to leave anymore. I want to stay with you and my family." He sighed and replied, 

"It is too late for that now but all I want is for you to pursue your dreams then when you come back, we will continue from there."

Lolita realized life was too precious and fleeting to be playing hide and seek games but she did want to leave and come back better even if only just for this wonderful man.

"By the way, where is Lorato?"

"She disappeared but don't be afraid, the police are after her and protecting Desire as well as you."

"How is she?"

"She woke up today, fainted then came back. She is stable now."

"That's a relief. But what if Lorato comes back for me?"

"Which is why I want you to leave as soon as possible- for your safety."

"Ryan- I can't run forever." The reality of what she said hit him hard but what could they do now that Lorato had vanished into thin air? Who knows when her next attack would be?

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