net : insane

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Taehyung's POV

I walked outside the music club and went directly to the bathroom. For a few seconds, my phone rang and I realized that I got a text from mom.

"Taehyung ah, I'm sorry but you'll have to live at that apartment for a time being."

I sighed and put my phone back into my pocket. I went outside the school and went to that apartment according to the address she gave me.

I kept walking upstairs to that rundown apartment because there's no elevator. I reached the second floor, then I began looking for my room.

Oh, there it is. I unlocked the key and went inside. It's small, and my stuffs are all transferred here. I don't know when did she do all of this.

This is it, Kim Taehyung.

I laid down on my new small bed and let out a sigh, remembering the life I had in the mansion. The happy life did not last long.

I remembered my father's screams filling the house and my mother screamed back without hesitation. I remembered watching from my doorway, my hand wrapped around the door frame. And I remembered hearing quiet sobs through her bedroom door, how she locked it so I couldn't get in.

A loud noise disrupted my thinking. I heard yelling from the room next door. I stood up from my bed immediately and peeked my head outside the room to see what's going on.

To my surprise, kyojang left the room that is next to mine and she was crying. This world is so small, I guess.

I kept thinking and thinking when suddenly, I lost sight of her. I closed my door instantly and went outside the apartment.

I finally saw her but she's already far away from me so I had to run after her. She went to the bridge and stared down at the river, crying.

She's in a position to jump.

I ran after her unable to utter a word. For a blink of an eye, she is already in the water and I have no choice but to jump down there.

You Younghee, what do you think you're doing?

The water was strong and loud against my ear and I was struggling to get her back. It was hard for me to look but when I've finally found her, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her up to the surface.

I gasped for air and breathed out heavily as I resurfaced. I looked at kyojang and she's already unconscious. I became panicked as I tried to take her back to the land.

"Ya! Kyojang!" I tapped her cheeks and shook her body but she didn't move. I had to place the heel of my hand on the center of her chest and did what I have to.

I pinched her nose and covered her mouth with mine and gave my breaths. It worked, and she coughed the water out as she opened her eyes slowly. I sighed in relief.

"Taehyung?" She began to shut her eyes again and I just had to call an ambulance and took her to the hospital.


It's been a day now and she hasn't woken up.

I sat down beside her bed as she slept there with bruises on her face. Luckily, they kind of disappeared by now since the nurse took care of them.

Seriously, I almost had a heart attack for a moment out there. Somehow, tears welled up in my eyes again and my hands couldn't stop shaking when I think about that situation. I'm in mess. I'm scared, I'm just scared.

What if I told my mom that I didn't want to come to the apartment? What if I ran away again?

I shook my head to avoid thinking of scary things because she's okay now.

I noticed her eyes opening slowly to meet mine. She observed the places then looked at me.

"Where am I?" She spoke as soft as whispers.

"Hospital. You tried to kill yourself yesterday." I told her and she looked at me without saying anything. For a few seconds, a tear rolled down from her eye and I stood up from my chair abruptly.

"H-hey, are you still hurt?" I asked her and she shook her head slowly. I let myself relaxed and sat back down on my chair.

"You are skipping classes again, aren't you?" She spoke softly as I shrugged.

"Yeah, I never study anyways." I stated the obvious and she stifled a small laugh.

"By the way, how did you know I was there? Were you stalking me?" She teased me and I giggled.

"Right, I was stalking you." I told her and she smiled. "This world is so small." I said, stretching my arms out.


"Nice to meet you, neighbor." I said and she frowned. I probed my elbow on her bed and looked at her, smiling while waiting for her to get what I mean.

"Neighbor?" She questioned and I nodded. "W-wait, you're my neighbor?!" She exclaimed in surprise as she woke up from the bed.

"Oh gosh, it hurts." She touched her shoulder and slept back on the bed. "And by the way, are you for real?" She asked me again and I nodded.

"Holy, I'll be living next to a pervert alien then." She sighed as I laughed.

"I know that you like it, just admit it already kyojang." I smirked and she looked away.

"I hate it; I hate you kim taehyung." She covered the blanket to her head. "I wanna sleep, just go to school already." She told me and I ran my hair through my scalp as I walked outside the room to get some fresh air since I've been staying with her without going outside.

God, this is insane.

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