yeolilgop : the truth

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Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung, what's wrong?" Younghee asked me, tapping my shoulder. For a few minutes, we both stood still at the same place looking at Jisoo and my mom.

"Younghee? Why are you with him?" Jisoo asked and we both looked at each other.

"Taehyung," My mom called out and I sighed. I just don't want to speak or talk about anything, I'm just tired.

I looked at Younghee tiredly and she gave me a slight nod which probably means that I should let them come in.

I stepped aside a little in order to make a way for them to come inside.

"P-Please come inside, I'm going to go out so that I won't be disturbing all of you." Younghee bowed, and my mom stopped to look at her.

"It's okay, Younghee ah. Actually, I also have things to tell you." She spoke and we all widened our eyes.

"Neh?" She became puzzled but my mom just smiled. Soon, we all went to the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Taehyung, how have you been?" Mom asked and I let out a sigh. She's worried about me now?

"I'm fine," I replied stiffly and she gave me a weak smile. My heart sank down at the same time because I also miss her. But I just . . .

"Younghee?" My mom called her out and I looked at her.


"Thanks for looking after Taehyung," She thanked her and her face looked puzzled again.

"A-Actually, I just-" She stuttered but I cut her off so that she won't feel uncomfortable.

"By the way, why do you want to talk with her?" I asked mom.

"I'm sorry if it will affect you, but the truth is . . ."

"The truth is?" I blurted out.

She cleared her throat. "You have that little scar on your forearm right?"

Wait, what? Why did she know?

"N-neh," Younghee responded while rolling her sleeve up a little which made mom gasped.

"So, it's really true." She said and I frowned.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" The suspense is killing me so I just asked her quickly.

"Taehyung was the one who made that scar," She added and I almost choked on my saliva.

"W-wait me?" I stammered and she nodded. I looked at Younghee whose face is in horror.

We're not related or anything, right?

"Since you were kids, you like to play with each other and you guys often folded stars, airplanes and stuffs. But one day, Taehyung accidentally let the tip of scissors scratch your forearm," She told us and we were all sitting at the same place, dumbfounded.

"B-But how? How are we, I mean-" Younghee tried to ask but failed. "We are not related or anything, right?"

"Yunhee was my best friend," She spoke again and we all remained silent. "We had these unique best friend bracelets since we were young," She held a hand up and showed us the bracelet.

"A few years after Taehyung was born, Yunhee told me that her daughter was also born, and it was you, Younghee." She told us and Younghee's eyes are filled with tears.

"Your dad wasn't planning on giving birth to you so Yunhee and him got into a fight," She continued. "That's when I became unsure of all those things. I don't know why both of you suddenly disappeared. A few days later, I heard that Yunhee drove and fell off a cliff but her body was nowhere to be seen. And I also didn't know where you were, Younghee."

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