seumuldul : love is a lie

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Taehyung's POV

I seriously don't know what I'm going to do next. Now that I've done it, I'm really lost and I have completely no idea what to do.

I stared at my bedroom's ceiling since last night, and I couldn't stop myself from crying. I know it's weird for boys to cry but I just can't hold it in.

I glanced at the clock to see that it's about time to go to school. Should I really go there? If I don't, I'll die from boredom.

Quickly, I got off from my bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower and got changed into my uniform. I looked at my own reflection in the mirror to only see my pathetic side flashing back to me.

I shook my head, looking at the mirror once again and changed my expression. Life goes on, I can't back down like this.

don't give up, taehyung.

The moment I've arrived school, students started to fill inside and the hallway was noisy; full of chatters everywhere.

I walked pass a few girls that I dated before and they were looking at me, more like observing me.

Maybe I should be back to my old self once again.

"Taehyung oppa, gwaenchana?" One girl came up to me and I smiled, only nodding my head as a response.

I should feel good dating them like before but maybe it isn't the right time for me to do that yet because every single thing reminds me of her.

I sighed, walking to bangtan's hideout only to see them at their usual places, except Jimin wasn't there.

I sat down beside Hoseok hyung and took my manga out to read. Just then, he woke up and yawned.

"What's wrong with you today? Where is kyojang?" He asked and I heaved a sigh, avoiding his gaze by reading the manga.

"We broke up," I replied and everyone shouted in disbelief.


"What happened?" Jin hyung asked me and I bit my lower lip, not wanting to be reminded of that again.

A few seconds of silence passed, then Jimin entered the room. Suddenly, my blood started to boil and I tried my best not to cause any trouble since we've known each other for so long.

"Kim Taehyung, explain me what this is all about." He dashed toward me, showing the conversations in our class group chat from his phone that said that I broke up with Younghee.

I averted my eyes from his phone to my manga and started reading again.

"Ya!" He threw my manga away and grabbed me by my shirt's collar, causing me to stand up angrily.

"What did you do to her?!?" He yelled in front of my face, grabbing my collar tighter.

Abruptly, I released his hand away and heaved a big sigh. "Bastard! You were with her at that fucking hotel last night and now you're asking me like this is all my fault?"

This time, I couldn't control my anger anymore and I felt like I'm going to explode at any time soon.

"What?" His word came out like whisper and everyone fell silent. I sighed, clenching my fists and walked away from the room.

Tears started to linger in my eyes but I tried not to let them fall down carelessly at a place like this.

I walked outside the school, not caring about classes afterwards. I hopped inside the bus attempting to go back to my apartment.

"Taehyung," I heard someone called my name in the bus so I turned around a little to see who it was.

I saw Jisoo standing there in her uniform while looking at me.

"You're not going to school?" I asked her and she shook her head, smiling. We both sat down at two empty seats at the back.

"Are you okay, Taehyung?" I seriously didn't want to answer this question when she already saw me in this pathetic state.

"Your parents won't be mad at you for skipping classes?" I changed the subject and she leaned onto the seat a little while stretching her arms out.

"I don't know," She shook her head while looking at me. "I just know that I can't leave Taehyung alone like this." I smiled a little at her words and she did the same.

Seriously, why does she always appear when I'm in this state? She came when Younghee left me and now it's the same situation.

"Let's go," She said, hopping off the bus and I followed her.

"Really, you don't have to do this. I'm just going to rest," I told her, walking to my apartment.

"Let's watch movie!" She said in excitement, pushing me inside the room slightly. I just agreed with her idea and went to sit down on the couch.

We played games at first. I wasn't really in the mood so she kept winning, but then I decided to watch movies. We finished lots of movies and I'm just fine the way it is.

I realized that it's already evening, and we didn't even eat lunch. I guess having Jisoo here will make me stop thinking about her, for a few moments I guess.

I looked at her face while she was watching the movie as she bursted into laughters. Suddenly, all I could see was Younghee's face flashing inside my pupils.

I gulped, holding back my tears and sighed. Just why, why do I keep thinking about her when she probably isn't thinking about me for a slightest bit?

please get out of my head.

"Taehyung?" I snapped back to reality to see Jisoo looking at me.

"What is it? Is it time for you to go back?" I asked her and she nodded.

"You were thinking of her, weren't you?" She asked softly with her expression softened.

I looked away from her, sighing and nodded then looked at her again only to see her giving me a weak smile.

"Don't force yourself, just take it easy." She played with my scalp slowly and soon, she began to sit on my lap and connected her lips with mines.

She started to kiss me slowly and that only reminded me of Younghee again. I got frustrated and pulled away. "I'm sorry, Jisoo. I-I don't want to hurt you."

She smiled, "It's okay, Taehyung. It's really okay. I'll do whatever I can to make you forget about her." She kissed me once again and I just continued.

"It's about time to go back now, your parents must be worried sick about you." I broke the kiss and she nodded.

"I'll take you home," I told her, leading her to my room's door. I locked my door back in an attempt to take her home when I was stopped by two people in front of me.

Jimin walked outside Younghee's room−he was ruffling her hair, she was smiling, they were talking and I'm just standing here feeling my own heart breaking.

Their eyes met mines and we all stiffened.

"Come on, let's go." Jisoo intertwined our fingers together and we both walked pass them quickly.

I sighed, thinking that love is just a lie.

Dear tummy, sorry for all the butterflies.
Dear pillow, sorry for all the tears.
Dear heart, sorry for all the damage.
Dear brain, you were right.

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