yeodeol : have fun

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Taehyung's POV

"T-taehyung," Younghee stuttered as she looked at me.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you guys, take your time." I told them and walked to the bathroom.

I washed my hand and face, trying to get myself back to my senses.

Kim Taehyung, you can't possibly be..

I shook my head and went outside the bathroom. I heard the bell's ring which means that the class has started.

I went inside the classroom to see the same lousy students as usual. I sat down at the same place which is next to kyojang.

Soon, Jimin and Jungkook came inside the class sitting down at their usual places, in front of kyojang.

"Hyung, Jimin broke up with Kyung-ah just now," Jungkook told me and sat down since the teacher came inside the class.

Well, that's not a surprise anymore. It would be surprising if any of bangtan stay with their girlfriends for more than one week.

For a moment, Soobin entered the class apologizing to the teacher for being late. Ugh, seeing her face now pissed me off.

As she walked to her seat, she kept staring at kyojang. I looked at kyojang and noticed that she's staring at her as well. No one blinked.

Just when she sat down, Younghee turned her face to look at her own desk, playing with her fingers. I noticed that she's shivering.

Maybe she forced herself too much, it's my fault for asking her to be strong to stand against Soomin, I guess.

"Alright class, I'll be the substitute today since your math teacher won't be here." Our gym teacher said. "Do you bring any gym uniform with you?" He asked then the class said yes.

We headed out from our classroom to change to our gym clothes then went to the gym room.

Everyone is stretching their body out as usual, and I just stood still at the same place since I don't know what to do.

I glanced to my right side and saw kyojang stretching her body. Maybe I should ask her to teach me. I started walking to her side when Jimin ran quickly to talk to her.

I changed my direction immediately.
"Heya, Jungkook. You can do the stretching huh? Teach me, will you?" I tapped his shoulder and he nodded.

He started doing the stretching, and I followed him at first. But then I saw them being so close. Tsk.

"Hyung! You don't listen to me, do you?" Jungkook yelled and I snapped back.

"I do I do!" I told him and started to focus on the stretching.

"Class," Our teacher blew the whistle and we all stopped to listen to him. "The first match will be the match between guys. So for the girls, please sit down first." He told us and the girls all sat down on the floor, back leaning against the wall.

The guys stepped up to the front and they bowed. I'm on the same team as Jungkook but we got separated from Jimin. The basketball game started and we played.

Jimin kept scoring and so did I. We kept playing until I stood still at one place, unable to see anything. There's a complete blackout to both of my eyes.

Not again, please go away first.

"Hyung! Pass the ball to me!" I heard Jungkook shouted; I shook my head but the blackout still didn't disappear.

"Ya, everyone! Watch out!" I heard Jimin yelled and I dropped the ball to the ground as I cupped my face with my hands, closing my eyes.

Please please please disappear.

"Taehyung!" Until then, I felt my body on the ground hardly and someone is laying on top of me, protecting me from something dangerous that I could not see.

I started releasing my hands from my face when I noticed that the blackout disappeared. I looked around to see everything's in mess. The hoop fell on the ground and I jerked up a little to see Younghee laying on top of me.

She protected me from that hoop.

"Ya, kyojang. Are you okay?" I shook her by her forearm and she woke up from my chest slightly, eyes opening slowly.

"Huh? Oh? Taehyung! Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?" She attacked me with questions as she placed her hands on my cheeks.

"I-i'm okay," I stammered, standing up from the ground and she did the same.

I wonder if she is okay.

"Are you really fine?" I asked her again and she nodded, smiling.


The gym room is being fixed so since it's lunch time now, everyone went to the canteen.

I'm not hungry so I decided to go to the rooftop and maybe I could sleep there. As I arrived, I heard voices coming from the rooftop.

"You're being so ridiculous!" I heard someone yelled. I came closer to see Soobin is about to slap kyojang.

I rushed to their place instantly and stopped Soobin from doing it. They both looked at me in surprise.

"O-oppa," Soobin stuttered and I released my grip from her wrist in an instant. Kyojang left the rooftop.

Just how can she walk so fast? I ran after her until I stopped to walk instead. I saw her sitting on the stair, her hand gripping on the holder. Her hands were shivering and it kinda hurts me to see her like this.

I walked to sit beside her and pulled her head to rest on my shoulder. "You did a great job just now." I caressed her hair slowly, wondering if this is the right way to comfort someone. I can know that she's resisting the urge of crying.

"Come on, let's go to the canteen." I told her after I heard the growling sound from her stomach. She stood up and followed me.

As we arrived the canteen, I glanced at the TV there watching the news report channel.

"Mrs. Kim Yunbi is getting remarried next week with Mr. Go Joon."

Eomma . . .

"Taehyung? Hey!" I snapped back to see Younghee waved in front of me.

"Aren't you going to eat?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I'm going home, I don't feel well." I told her and left the canteen.

So, in the end, none of them wants to look after me. Disappearing from their sights would be a good idea.

Mom, I hate myself for trusting you. You just want me to move so that you could live in the mansion with that fucking bastard.

Have fun.

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