yeoldaseot : melting

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Younghee's POV

-The Next Morning-

Shit, it's almost time that the school starts. It's because of last night, I kept thinking without going to sleep. I prepared myself instantly then walked to take the bus to school.

I arrived my classroom on time with my teacher and I sighed in relief. After that, we started studying.


Finally, it's lunch break. I prepared my books into my bag when Jisoo startled me. "Do you wanna go and have lunch with us?" I looked up to see her circling her hand around Taehyung's arm.

Are they couples now?

I looked at her then averted my eyes to look at Taehyung. He wasn't looking at me, he just let his eyes wandered somewhere else around the room.

"It's okay, I'm not hungry." I replied and they left the room.

I slept on my desk until the lunch break is over, I woke up and started studying.


As soon as the class ended, I walked to our music club to see those guys are all gathered there. Well, it can't be helped since today will be special after all. It wasn't long before Jisoo came inside saying, "Hey hey, new member here!" excitedly. I smiled at her and she did the same.

"So, all of you will be going to the club today?" I asked them and they nodded. There will be a time or two that they will have an actual practice at the club. For example, Yoongi will start rapping there and challenge others and stuffs.

"Can I go there too?" Jisoo raised her hand.

"Well, you can if you're not underaged," I replied. "But, you should try to sing or dance or whatsoever and challenge the others to do it."

Some people said that I came up with this stupid idea but these guys love it so yeah.

"Are you going?" Jimin asked me.

"Oh, I have work to do so just enjoy yourself there," I responded. "Now we will be dismissed." I walked outside the club and they did the same.

Taehyung and Jisoo walked pass me talking happily. I just sighed, walking to my part-time place. I get changed into my work's uniform as I arrived.

A few hours have passed, there were many customers as usual and I'm already tired. 20 minutes before my shift ended, I gathered the trashes to the backyard when I saw Soobin and her friends there.


"Nice to see you again, whore." She pushed my shoulder hardly causing my back to slam against the shop's wall.

"Say, your hair looked nicer now." Soobin grabbed a fistful of my hair and released it back strongly.

I clenched my fists hardly, trying not to cry. "You looked pathetic, Lee Soobin." I gritted my teeth and she changed from a smirk to a pissed-off face in an instant.

"What the fuck did you just say, you fucking whore?!?" She slapped me then grabbed my shirt's collar.

"Ya! What are you kids doing?" Luckily, ahjumma came on time and yelled at them.

"Nothing, we're just having fun." She released her hand from my collar and patted my hair. I just walked back into the shop, ignoring  every single one of them.

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