yeolahop : wake up

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Younghee's POV

I released my fists and let my hands fall loosely in the air. I just felt so broken. My chest started to hurt and I found it's hard for me to breath.

The crowds finally disappeared and I sighed, walking along the hallway. As I walked, I heard footsteps from behind.

At first, I decided to ignore it but on a second thought, I turned around only to see Jimin standing there looking at me.

"Ya! Why are you following me?" I yelled and he got into a deep-thinking mode.

"Because you're You Younghee," Now I take back my words of saying that he spoke understandable stuffs.

"Weirdo-" Before I could finish my words, I felt something painful in my chest and I grabbed my shirt tight because of the pain. For awhile, I started coughing hard.

I covered my mouth with my palm and coughed, back facing Jimin. I finally released my palm from my mouth to see blood stained there and my heart started to pound.

'what's going on with me?'

"Hey, do you need a handkerchief?" Jimin walked over to me, handing me his handkerchief. It wasn't long before he got startled and asked me what happened.

"Hey, are you okay? Why is there blood on your palm?" He rested his hand on my shoulder, asking me in a panicked state.

"I'm okay," I tried to ignore him but he grabbed my wrist, wiping the blood from my hand using his handkerchief.

"Come with me," He led me to the infirmary and I just sat down on the bed, looking at him in curiosity.

"Aish, just where is the nurse?" He ran his hand through his hair in frustration as he walked back and forth.

"Jimin, I'm really okay. That's fine." I told him I'm okay though I'm not. "I just need a little more rest," I tried to resist the urge of crying by clutching the bed's sheet.

Jimin then sat down in front of me. "Jeongmal, gwaenchana?" He asked again. This time, his voice is soft and gentle that made me unable to stay strong. Tears started to form one after another and I tried to wipe them away.

"You," He said and I looked at him. "You and Taehyung are dating, right?"

I nodded a response.

"Then why the hell did he go-" He raised his voice but I cut him off.

"It's fine, really. Jisoo is new here and she only knows Taehyung." I replied and he remained calm.

"And what happened between you and Jisoo?" He asked lowly, looking at me.

"Things have become really hard for me to handle," I stuttered, noticing my cracking voice. "I-I just don't know how to put them into words, I'm really sorry Jimin." I apologized as tears fell on my cheeks.

Out of the blue, Jimin pulled me into a hug once again. It just felt the same as before, he made me feel so tiny. But somehow, his embrace soothed me and I felt a little bit better.

"Arrasso, I believe that you wouldn't do that kind of thing without a reason." He whispered, caressing my hair.

I muttered, "Thank you."


I just felt sick for unknown reasons and broken when I saw Taehyung and Jisoo being close with each other, still.

I asked for permission from my teacher to go home and rest. I left the class in an instant without telling anyone.

Come to think of it, it's not like they care about me anyways.

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