yeolhana : short hair

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Younghee's POV

"Ya," I heard a voice calling me out by shaking my hand slowly. I opened my eyes to see that I'm sitting beside his bed, yes that freaking tae tae's bed.

I yawned, then I finally saw that we're holding hands. Holy shit, what on earth happened?

I released my hand from his hand quickly and stood up. My waist ached maybe because I sat down the whole night.

"Are you okay now?" I asked, checking his temperature. It's been lowered now.

He gave me his rectangular smile again and my heart fluttered. "Ya, wake up and prepare for school." I told him as I walked inside his bathroom.

I almost screamed when I saw my own reflection in the mirror. Just why do people in kdrama wake up pretty, ugh.

I took my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth. As I was brushing, Tae came inside the bathroom and I almost choked on my saliva.

He was rubbing his hair, yawning and I stood there, frozen. "What?" He asked and I turned back to brush my teeth shakily.

shitshitshit, why does he look so hot?

He pushed me slightly to the other side by bumping on the shoulder as he took his toothbrush, brushing his teeth sleepily.

what's with this kid, aish jinjja.

I started finishing up and went outside the bathroom then prepared for school.


I walked into the school separately from Taehyung when suddenly Jimin greeted me.

"Excuse me!" He said and I got startled.


"Nothing," He smiled. "I just want to talk to icy kid."

I didn't say anything but my head is full of thoughts tsk this kid, you'd better sleep with eyes opened.

"By the way, do you know that there'll be a transfer student to our class?" He asked me and I shook my head.

I continued walking along the locker hall while he was following me. "Um, I think her name was Jisoo?" He told me and I looked at him.

"Heol, her name is pretty; she must be pretty too huh," I replied back, not wanting him to feel awkward talking alone.

"I'm not sure," He said, shrugging. "But I know for sure that you're the prettiest." He smiled and his cheeks became like those of chipmunks' ; his eyes became small dots.

But I'm still confused by what he just said, I think he said it sarcastically.

"Let's go," Jungkook draped his arm around Jimin's neck and dragged him quickly to somewhere I don't know.

I entered the classroom and saw many students have gathered already, so I sat down at my seat. Those fuckgirls are nowhere to be seen so I sighed in relief.

Until then, they all came alongside with the teachers and sat down at their usual places. Tae, Jimin and Jungkook surprisingly entered the classroom too.

A few seconds later, a girl came inside the class. W-wait, she's the pretty girl that told me to deliver the chickens to her last time! Heol .. daebak.

"Hello, my name is Hye Jisoo. I'm new here, so please take care of me." She smiled and the boys squealed.

"Ya ya tae-" I was about to whisper to Tae to tell him that she's pretty but I changed my mind because his facial expression darkened and he looked at his desk.

"Alright, you may sit behind student you younghee." The teacher pointed out and she walked to sit behind me.

So, I'm sitting near the window and Tae is on my right side. Jimin & Jungkook sat in front of me and Jisoo sat behind me. Our class started soon after.


It's finally lunch break and I started to prepare my stuffs into my bag. Out of the blue, Jisoo walked pass me to talk to Taehyung.

"Hey, it's been a long time," She placed her hand on his shoulder and he smiled back. So, they know each other huh.

I just looked down on my desk as the students started walking to the canteen one after another. I finally looked up to see no one in the class. I sighed and stood up from my chair.

As I was walking, I stopped in front of the art room due to the loud noises coming from there. I opened the door to see Soobin and her friends throwing paints to Seohwa's shirt. She's stained with those paints.

I ran up to her immediately and helped her stand up. I saw tears formed in the corner of her eyes and my blood started boiling.

"Just what the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled so loud that they all closed their ears. Soobin still stood on the desk, ams folded as she shot me a disgusted look. I told Seohwa to go to wash up and she left the room.

"Heol, heroine is here to save people again," She said as the other 3 began applauding. "Well, take this then." I saw a bucket of paints coming toward me. My breathing became unstable as I tried to avoid getting dirtied by those paints.

Suddenly, I felt liquid splashed to my body and my hair. I'm just at loss for words.

She hopped off from the desk with her friends, walking toward me with arms folded.

"Wow, you looked so ugly kyojang." She said directly to my face and I clenched my fists tight. Tears formed in my eyes but I had to hold it in.

"I do know that I'm ugly," I said, walking closer to her. "But I'm happy that at least I'm not you." I gritted my teeth.

I left them on the spot. I strolled along the hallway, wiping my tears away. I'm done, my hair can't be back to its normal state anymore.

I walked in fast speed, looking at the ground when suddenly I saw feet in front of me. I looked up to see Jimin was holding a tray of infirmary's tools.

"Wh-what's wrong?" He asked, panicked and I quickly brought the scissors from the tray he was holding and cut a piece of my hair that got splashed by the sticky paints.

I continued to cut it shorter until it reached my shoulders. From waist to shoulder ... in just 3 seconds.

I bit my lower lip so hard, cutting my hair. I felt a heartache; I just wanna scream.

"Ya!Don't cut your hair!"

"I m-mean, I like girls with long hair."

"Come on, please stop!" Jimin took the scissors from me and placed it on the tray back. He held my wrist attempting to walk forward when we were stopped by Taehyung and Jisoo walking in front of us.

Taehyung's widened eyes met mines and I looked back on the ground. I don't think I can handle this situation.

All of a sudden, I felt another hand grabbing my other wrist and I realized it was Taehyung.

TaeHee or JiHee? ;)

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