yeolset : why?

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Younghee's POV

"Then make me forget about her." He said and I stiffened.

"L-Like what?" I asked and he smirked.

"Something like this?" He raised an eyebrow, smiling. All of a sudden, he leaned closer to me as I kept inching backward.

Our faces were only a few inches apart and he bit his lower lip slowly, eyes looking at my lips.

I felt like my heart is going to burst out from my body. Immediately, I pinched both of his cheeks. "Ya, snap out of it."

He got startled, rubbing his cheek.

"It's about time for me to go to the part time job place, I'm going to get changed." I stood up, walking to my bedroom.

I slammed the door shut, feel myself sliding down as my legs get weak. I wonder why is it hard to breath; I felt the tightness in my chest.

I tried to stand up, ignoring my headache. I began changing my clothes and went outside the room.

I saw Taehyung laying on the couch, still. "Ya, go back to your room. My uncle will be back soon." I told him and he turned the TV off, standing up.

He stretched his arms out, yawing. We both walked outside the room and I locked my door.

"Don't forget, alright?" He told me and went inside his room.

Forget about what? Oh! This kid, I did not say that I would make him forget about her, why is he saying this like I agreed with him?

I shook my head to avoid my thoughts and walked outside the apartment. As I strolled to an alley nearby, I felt a hand strangling my neck bringing me to the small alley. I tried to let go but he's stronger than me.

As soon as I went inside that alley, the darkness emerged and my legs kept shaking. For a moment, I felt his hand removing from my body and neck. I looked up to see it was my uncle.

"Give me the money," He threatened and I sighed, crying.

"I don't have any money!" I yelled in front of him and he looked at me, pissed.

"Don't lie!" He snatched my bag from me and dropped everything from it to the floor. The moment my wallet fell on the ground, he quickly picked it up.

He took all of my savings and left. I'm speechless, unable to utter a word. I felt so tight in my chest as I cried, sitting down to collect the stuffs to put inside my bag.

I leaned my back against the wall and sat down. I took a cigarette from my pocket and started smoking. This the only thing that could make me feel better for now.

I buried my forehead to my palm, bitting my lip to prevent myself from producing more tears. I smoked once again until I heard footsteps growing closer to me. I looked at his shoes then up to his face.

It was Park Jimin.

He was taking out his cigarette from the box and a lighter. Just what is he doing here? A few seconds later, he saw me and he almost screamed but he let out a big sigh instead.

He clutched the cigarette hard before putting it back into his pocket. He walked to sit beside me and I threw my cigarette away.

"What are you doing? Smoking?" I asked him and we both stood up to lean against the wall.

"You're not the one to talk," He said and we both remained silent.

"What happened?" He asked, looking at me.

"Nothing, just this and that." I sniffed, and he sighed. "And what happened to you too?" I questioned and he looked up at the sky.

"My parents," He started and I gave him a question look. "It would be better for them if I don't exist."

"Why?" I asked and he shot me a weak smile.

"I hate you so much icy kid," he pinched both of my cheeks. "Why did you have so much stamina and won the relays all the time?" He finally released his hands from my cheeks.

"Our elementary school's relays?" I said and he nodded. "It's more like I have to win." I told him and he looked at me dubiously.

I changed the subject, "What do relays have to do with this?"

"This would've have ever happened if-" He cut himself off. "Ah, never mind! Just why am I telling this to you?" He ruffled my hair.

Is it because of me that he's like this?

But at that time, I just had to win in order to get the award money to give it to uncle or else . . .

"I-It's about time for me to go the part time job place," I stuttered as I stopped leaning my back against the wall and tried my best not to cry.

As I was about to walk away, Jimin pulled me into a hug. His body his huge and I felt so tiny. I could feel his hand caressing my hair and I stiffened.

"J-Jimin ..." I stammered, struggling to get myself out from his embrace.

"Shh, just a few more seconds please," He requested and I nodded shakily.

So, it lasted for 5 more seconds until he released the hug. We both looked down on the ground, walking out of the alley.

"I-I'm heading this way," He told me and I nodded. I could see his cheeks became red so clearly.

I walked to my part time job place since there's only 10 minutes left before my shift starts. As I walked, I felt someone putting her arm around my shoulder.

"Heading to Yum Yum?" Jisoo asked, smiling. Seriously, she's drop-dead gorgeous.

I nodded as a response.

"Let's go together then, I'm meeting with Taehyung's eomma." She told me and we both started walking.

Taehyung's eomma? Why?

For a few minutes later, we've arrived the shop and I saw a beautiful lady sitting there dialing someone.

"Good evening, ahjumma." I bowed to ahjumma and get changed.

"Take this to that table, she's been waiting." She told me and I lifted them to Jisoo's table.

"Miss, here are your orders."

"Aish! This kid! Why isn't he picking up his phone?" I got startled that the food spilled and I felt the hot substance against my skin.

"Omo, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" She reached out for my hand.

"N-Neh, I'm okay." I told her back but she kept apologizing.

"Younghee, are you okay?" Jisoo asked me and I nodded, smiling nervously.

For a moment out there, I could feel Taehyung's mom's hand stiffened as she looked at the bracelet on my wrist.

"W-Where did you get this?" She asked me and I gave her a question look.

"It's the only thing I have left from my mom," I replied.

"Are you...?" Her eyes widened. "Do you have a little scar on your forearm?" She attacked me with questions.

"Omo! Miss, I'm so sorry!" Ahjumma came out from the kitchen quickly, wiping the foods that are spilled on the table. She eyed me to go back to the kitchen and I nodded.

I walked back to the kitchen, thinking why would she ask me those questions.

And why did she know that I have that little scar?

tae is going to be an actor soon ;) ma babe <3

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