seumulhana : nothing

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Younghee's POV

"Good job for today," Ahjumma said, giving me my salary and I gladly accepted it.

Soon, I left the shop and hopped inside the bus in order to go back to my apartment.

I sighed, thinking of what to do next since a lot of tasks are waiting for me.

For half an hour, the bus arrived and I hopped down while sighing. It's getting late and I'm really sleepy at the moment.

As I walked, I saw a blank-faced lady crossing the street while a group of cars is coming in full speed. She didn't seem to notice the red sign.

"Watch out!" I ran to her, grabbing her hand and we both stumbled on our feet. I led her back to the bus stop and sat down on the bench.

"Miss, are you okay?" I asked her, grabbing her arm that is bleeding. She didn't respond so I applied some balm and bandaged the scar for her.

"Your hand is also bleeding," She finally spoke while pointing at my injured hand. I looked up to see her face ー wrinkle, huge eyebags, and a very pretty but weak smile.

"I'm okay, I get these quite often so I'm used to it." I reassured her by blurting the truth out and I just regretted saying that to a stranger.

"Why?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Ani ani, I'm joking." I finished with bandaging her hand. As I was about to put it back into my bag, I felt her hand grabbing the balm and bandage.

I looked up at her, startled. She just smiled at me and brought my arm forward.

"I'm going to apply this on you too," With that, she started to bandage my injuries and stopped the bleeding. It felt great, to be honest.

To have an old but not that old lady bandaging my injuries and stuffs. I wonder if having a caring mom will make you feel this way too.

oh .. mom, i miss you.

I snapped back to reality to see her staring blankly at my wrist and I looked at her in curiosity.

"Miss? Miss?" I called her two times and she finally came back to her sense.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked her and she shook her head, smiling.

"Here, it's done. Thank you for saving me today." She stood up abruptly and left the bus stop. I began preparing my stuffs back into my bag and walked to my apartment.

I strolled along the small shops when I heard shouts coming from the seller. This really brings back memories, for real. The day I found Taehyung sitting there, drunk and he was getting scolded by the shop's owner.

I peeked my head a little to see a familiar boy sitting on a chair with his face on the table and the shop's owner is yelling at him.

I quickly realized that it's Jimin.

"Jimin," I shook his body lightly in order to make him wake up.

"You again?" The owner yelled at me and I gave him a bitter smile. "Is it your boyfriend this time? Just bring him back home because our shop is closing!" He shouted and left us on the spot.

I tried to wake him up and he did. He was looking left and right, and his eyes are barely opened.

"Come on, let's go back." I put his arm around my shoulder and led him outside the shop. "Why did you even drink this much?" I sighed and panted because he's goddamn heavy.

"I am not drunk!" He said in his drunken voice while pointing at the sky. "I said I'm not drunk!" He said again and I almost stumbled on my feet.

"Okay okay, you're not drunk. Come on, what's your address? I will take you home," I said and he immediately turned into an angry face.

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