daseot : screw you

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Younghee's POV

I opened my eyes slowly to see myself laying down on the hospital's bed and I realized that it's already evening. I tried to wake up slowly when someone entered the room.

Taehyung came inside, wrapped in his uniform. "You can be discharged from the hospital today." He said as he came closer.

Suddenly, I remembered that I skipped my work for three days now. I'm going to get killed by my boss.

"Thank you," I told him and prepared to leave the hospital.

We both went outside the hospital and went to the bus stop. I skipped school, I skipped work, I didn't do chores either. I sighed, thinking of all the things that need to be done.

"Let's go, the bus arrived." Taehyung told me and I nodded, walking inside the bus with him.

There were only two seats available so we sat there; Taehyung sat next to the bus's window. I sat down, thinking of an excuse to tell my boss, my chores, my homework, and I wondered if I should go home.

I got lost in my train of thoughts when suddenly I felt something rest on my shoulder. I realized Taehyung is fast asleep. He looked like an innocent kid when he's asleep but he's actually a pervert alien.

"Ya, wake up, we've arrived." I nudged him and he rubbed his eyes slowly, looking left and right.

Then we got off the bus and walked to our apartment. I started walking slowly when I saw a few guys standing in front of my room. I'm in trouble. They are my uncle's gangs. I think they're here to collect the money again . . .

"Open the door!" They kept knocking on my door, shouting for my uncle. I stiffened and I couldn't utter a word.

"Who are they?" Taehyung asked and I turned to look at him slowly. "Hey, why are you shaking? Who are they?" He asked again and I couldn't utter a word.

I turned to look at my door's direction and saw them kicking the walls and my door. They started walking away from my room and my hands are shaking. I can't let them see me . .

They're walking toward us . . .

"T-taehyung, I need to hide." I told him as I looked left and right, searching for a place to hide because they're going to see me and I'll be dead.

"They're-" Before I could finish my sentence, I felt a pair of hands bringing me forward. My head resting on his chest as he draped his arms around my neck. I could hear his heart beating so loud against my ear and my heart rate is increasing rapidly.

I was about to release myself from him but he hugged me tighter. "Didn't you say that you want to hide?" He whispered to my ear and I shivered.

I noticed their footsteps growing closer so I just agreed with him. "Boss, don't worry. Let's eat first." I heard them talking and I'm shivering again but Taehyung patted my hair slowly. "You are right, let's come back an hour later. That bastard will be home by then." He said then all of them finally left.

I sighed in relief and released myself from Taehyung slowly, looking at the ground. I wanted to cry, they said they will come here again and that's when I will get hurt.

"T-thank you," I thanked him shakily then bit my lower lip so hard to resist the urge of crying.

I was about to walk away when I felt his hand grabbing my wrist suddenly. He turned me to face him then my tears came out forcefully.

He saw me crying again, ugh.

"Ya, where are you going?" He kind of shouted and I looked at my room's door indicating that I will go there because I can't utter a word. "Didn't you hear what they said?" He asked, looking at me as I let a few tears rolled down on my cheeks.

"Follow me," He gripped my wrist tighter as he led me to his room that's next to mine. He unlocked the door and we both went inside.

He took off his shoes and dropped his bag on the floor, removing his neck tie, vest and his first button as he walked to sleep on the couch.

"Make yourself at home," He said as he turned the TV on, switching channels. I looked at his house for a few seconds then I took off my shoes, going inside.

I sat down on the floor and probed my elbow on the small dining table. So, he lives alone, huh . . .

"Please make something for me to eat too, I'm hungry." He said as he watched the TV.

"Ya, Kim Taehyung. You treat me like your slave." I stated the obvious and he turned to look at me, probing his elbow on the couch.

"But I rescued you three times," He smirked and I just wanted to hit him with a frying pan. "Jumpsuit, at that river and just now." He said and turned to watch the TV back.

I sighed and walked to the kitchen. I saw some ramen so I just took it and boiled the water then it'll be finished.

I put it in a golden pot which isn't the real gold and prepared two pairs of chopsticks and plates. It's finally done and he jumped from the couch to sit down on the floor at the dining table facing me.

"Ah, ramen?" He asked, grabbing the chopsticks up and I nodded tiredly.
"I've never tried these," He looked excited to see this somehow. Well, I'm not surprised since he came from Mars.

"Well then, eat it and you should be proud that you have something to consume." I took my chopsticks and ate the noodles with him. There was only a meat left in the noodle and we both took it at the same time.

He glared at me and I did the same. "It's mine!" I told him and he shook his head. "No, it's mine!" He replied.

"Rock paper scissors!" I suggested and he nodded. I lost, unfortunately. So he got that last piece of meat.

I put my chopsticks down on my bowl hardly, "Wash the plates by yourself." I stood up and sat down on the couch.

"Alright, sleep on that couch and I'll sleep on the bed." He yelled as he went inside the kitchen, bringing the dishes up.

"Ya! Kim Taehyung!" I shouted and he peeked his head outside the kitchen as he looked at me.

"You got problem with that? Then come here and wash the dishes." He walked outside the kitchen and I woke up from the couch, walking to him.

"How stupid of me to think that you would treat me well." I hit his shoulder and went to wash the dishes. It took me a few minutes to finish them.

I walked outside the kitchen but I didn't see him laying on the couch. He suddenly walked out from his bedroom carrying his pajamas.

"You're not planning on wearing that to sleep, are you?" He said as he gave me his pajamas. "You can sleep in my bedroom and I'll sleep on the couch." He walked pass me to lay down on the couch and slept.

"One more thing, don't disturb me when I'm sleeping or else," He looked at me from head to toes, smirking and I'm shivering.


"I'm going to be more pervert than usual." He smiled, laying down on the couch. I almost yelled again but if I did, I'll be homeless.

Screw you, Kim Taehyung.

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