yeolyeoseot: us

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Younghee's POV

"Younghee, I need you." He said in his low, dangerous voice that sent shivers up my spine.

To think that someone actually needs me . . .

"B-But," I stuttered but he grabbed my waist tighter, not giving me a chance to speak.

"I-I'm serious, please stay by my side," He pulled me into a hug and I noticed that he's shivering. He might have suffered a lot from being all alone . . I know how that feels really well and that is the main reason why I can't leave him.

"Arrasso, I'll never leave you, Kim Taehyung." I rested my face to his chest as he caressed my hair. I could feel his heart beating fast and mine too.

I'm needed by someone . . .

Tears started to fall down on my cheeks for unknown reasons. Perhaps, it is because I'm so happy that I could help someone.

"Hey, are you okay?" He rested both of his palms on my cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe my tears away.

I nodded, smiling as a response. "I'm just afraid that I might not be good enough, you know. I'm not pretty, I'm the exact opposite from your type, I'm a complete introvert-" He didn't let me finish my sentence.

He shook his head slowly. "Aniya, I love you because you're You Younghee and to me, you're perfect." He gave me his rectangular smile again and my heart keeps beating faster. I didn't think that his words soothe me this much.

"Thanks, Taehyung." I grabbed both of his hands that rested on my cheeks. "I-I also-" I stammered and he giggled.

"Also what?" He smirked, leaning closer to my face. I looked away in an instant as my face became hotter.


"You love me so much that you can't even speak?" He pinched my cheeks and I nodded.

"Thank you," He whispered, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Let's go to sleep." He added.

I rested my back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling trying to control my heart beats. Suddenly, Taehyung grabbed my hand and pulled me closer so that his chin rested on my head.

"Let's just stay like this," He requested silently, kissing my hair and I let my face rested on his chest unconsciously.

I really love his scent.

"Jaljja, jagi." He kissed my forehead and drifted to sleep. I looked up a little to see his sleeping face and his lips . . god, I can't look at him properly now.

I looked back down and smiled, then drifted to sleep as well.


I woke up to see myself still in Taehyung's embrace. I rubbed my eyes and woke him up. "Taehyung, it's time to go to school."

"Oh?" He rubbed his eyes slowly while yawning. "Five more minutes," He said and I shook my head, hopping off the bed.

I quickly took a shower and got changed into my uniform. I went to his kitchen and started making breakfast.

Out of the blue, I felt that it's hard for me to breath. I started coughing and my head ached. A sound disrupted me, and it's my phone.

I realized it was Seohwa.

"Oh Seohwa, what is it? There's no school today?!?"


"Wait, why?" I listened to her as she told me the reasons. "So, our teachers will have a meeting today? Oh okay, thank you." I hung up and sighed.

I Need You | TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now