ahop : i need u

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Younghee's POV

I rolled my sleeve up to see bruises on my arm, it must be from when I saved Taehyung.

"Huh? Where's Taehyung?" I heard someone asked about him so I turned my head to see Jimin and Jungkook.

"Do you know where Taehyung is?" Jimin asked me and I rolled my sleeve down instantly, looking at him.

"H-he said he didn't feel well so he went home during lunch break," I told him.

"That punk, he used that excuse to skip class again."

"A-ani, he looked pale." I replied and he looked at me.

"Should you worry about yourself first?" He said to my face and I took a step backward to avoid being close to him.

He suddenly grabbed my injured arm and rolled my sleeve up. "See?" He pointed out and I avoided his gaze.

"Follow me," With that, he led me to the infirmary. I sat down on the bed as he was finding the first aid kit box. He applied some balm and stuffs which made me flinched because of the pain.

He snickered. "Tsk, You Younghee."

"Neh?" I answered, wondering why would he call my name out of the blue.

"You're You Younghee right?" He asked and I frowned.


"You really don't remember me, do you?" He inquired, and I looked at him from head to toes, trying to recognize who he is.

He stood up from the bed to put the box back to its usual place.

"I-I'm sorry, but you're Park Jimin right?" I questioned and he chuckled, walking closer to me.

"Excuse me!" He said, smiling and his eyes were so small that I even think he's sleeping.

That tone, he can't possibly be ...

A smile formed at his lips as he moved his face closer to my face, hands in his pocket. "Well?" He leaned back.

"Holy shit, you're that annoying busan guy?!?" I exclaimed in surprise as I stood up from the bed.

"Is that how you called me huh, icy kid?" He pinched both of my cheeks and I tried to let go.

"It hurts," I rubbed my cheeks in pain as he stood there, giggling. So, it's really him.

The one who always pissed me off by saying 'excuse me' all the time, trying to get me into conversation and the one who always got beaten up by me during relays.

"Really, I can't believe it." He beamed and I looked at him.

"You were shorter than me before," I stated the obvious.


"Even if you're taller than me now, you're still short." I teased him and he was about to pinch my cheeks again but I got into a ninja mode, defending myself and he laughed.

"This world is so small," He said as we both walked outside the infirmary. "I just realized that it was you who was in the relay award photo when I saw it last night." He stopped walking and I did the same.

I smiled nervously. "Let's go inside the class," He said and we both walked into the classroom. Soon, the teacher came and hell started again.


It's time to go home and since there's no club activities today, I went straight to my part-time place. I'm running errands again, and it's fine.

"Good evening, ahjumma." I bowed and she smiled, continuing her work. I changed into my work uniform and started working - frying chickens, meatballs and stuffs.

Our shop is crowded at night since most people like ahjumma's cooking and the prices are cheap too. Some of them even wanted her to deliver the foods to their homes so delivery service is needed.

"Younghee ah, there's this one at about 3 blocks away ordered the chickens." She handed me the chickens and I gladly accepted them, hopping on the motorbike.

I arrived at a luxurious condo, and I asked the guard there in order to take an elevator to 3rd floor. I knocked the 301th room. A girl about my age came outside. Shit, she's so beautiful.

"Miss, your orders have arrived." I handed the chickens to her and she smiled, giving me the money. I went back downstairs and hopped on the motorbike to go back.

I rode slowly, observing the nature at night feeling like I'm starring in some kdrama. Until then, I heard yelling from a small shop which broke my imagination like broken glasses.

Annoyed, I glanced at the shop to see Taehyung sitting there, head resting on the table. The owner is yelling at him. I quickly hopped off my motorbike.

"Ya, Taehyung!" I shook his body lightly.

"Miss, are you his wife? Can you bring him back home because our shop is closing now. And let him pay for these alcohols too." A man in his early 30s yelled at me and I quickly paid for him.

"Come on, Taehyung. Let's go home." I put his arm around my shoulder and lifted him up from the chair. I put him on the motorbike and he rested on my back, mumbling something alone.

I quickly dailed ahjumma to ask for permission to borrow the motorbike and she said okay.

I brought him to the apartment. He's still sleeping on my back. "Ya, wake up." I put his arm on my shoulder again, pulling him out from the motorbike.

He can't even walk, we're swaying to the other side. I had no choice but to piggybacked him upstairs. Well, I think I lose weight now. I reached our for his keys in his pocket and went inside his room, putting him on his bed. I panted so much that I thought I could die.

"I-It's hot," He mumbled something again and I stood up from the floor to take his jacket off so he's left with his white short-sleeve shirt. I noticed the cuts on his left hand. Taehyung . . .

There were so many many cuts and I think he cut himself violently.

I trailed my fingers on the cuts, resisting the urge of crying. I never expect a cheerful guy like him to do such a thing. He goes around saving everyone but he ends up getting hurt himself.

"E-Eomma ..." His tears rolled from his eyes as he woke up from his bed to sit down instead as he hugged his knees.

He ran his hands through his hair violently, crying. His hands were shivering and my heart broke into pieces.

"Eomma, Appa, you don't need me, do you?" He cried again. "I'm trash. No one needs me, nobody needs me." He rested his face on his palms.

Taehyung . . .

I sat down in front of him, on his bed.

"Hey, I need you ..." I told him as I pulled him into a hug and he cried on my shoulder. He sent shivers to my body but I have to stay strong in order to save him.

Taehyung, it's my turn to protect you.

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