yeoldul : hye jisoo

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Taehyung's POV

Just what on Earth happened, why is she cutting her hair?

At that time, I felt as if the time has stopped. I did not care about anything other than coming up to her, grabbing her wrist even though her other wrist is being held by Jimin.

I started walking forward quickly at first but soon, I slowed down because I think she couldn't catch up. I realized I have been holding her wrist hardly because I noticed that she's shivering.

I released her hand from my grip as she stood there, looking at the ground. Small parts of her clothes are stained with paints and I walked closer to her, taking my handkerchief out.

I wiped the tears on her cheeks, down to her shirt's collar, then to her skirt. She didn't say anything but her eyes kept producing more tears.

The paints are dried but they're still left there so I grabbed her wrist again, leading her to bangtan's hideout.

"Hyung, can I borrow your motorbike?" I asked Hoseok hyung and he threw me the keys.

"Kyojang? What happened to her?" He exclaimed in surprise.

"I'm gonna tell you later," I replied and started walking to the parking lots. She stood there, wiping her tears away.

"Come on, I'm gonna take you home." I put the helmet and clipped it for her. She sat down at the back, hands touching a small piece of my shirt.

"You're going to fall gripping me like that," I told her and she balled the piece of my shirt to her fists.

"But, you'll be stained with paints too." She sniffed and I sighed, taking her arms to put around my waist.

"Stop being ridiculous and listen to me for once," I requested and started to ride to our apartment.

My heart ... is beating way too fast.


"Let's go," We hopped off then started to go upstairs. Her facial expression darkened again as she walked, but I did not dare to say anything.

She unlocked her room's keys quickly, going inside. "Ya, Younghee-" She cut me off by slamming her door hard and I looked down on the ground, walking to my own room.

I closed my door and walked to sit down at my couch. I ran my hands through my hair, sighing. Jisoo . . .  She is back now after all those years.

And I even tried to date girls in order to forget about her, this is just unfair.

For 30 minutes, I realized that Younghee is taking too long. She can't be doing something stupid right?

I stood up from my couch abruptly and knocked on her door. "Ya! Are you there?" I kept knocking one after another until the door creaked open slowly. I didn't see anyone.

"Younghee?" I called out and closed the door when I saw her sitting at the door but at the corner, hugging her knees. I think she's taken a shower now because she's in her pajamas.

I bent my knees, sitting down as I faced her. I saw her tears dropping from her eyes violently; her lips quivered. I think she's still traumatized.

"Hey... are you okay?" I placed my hand on her shoulder and she flinched, closing her ears.

"I-I'm scared... Taehyung, I'm scared." She cried out loudly and her body was shivering.

I pulled her into a hug, causing myself to sit down on the floor as she rested her face on my chest. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"You're okay now, don't worry." I reassured her. "I'm with you."

"Y-you will hate me more right?" She asked between her hiccups.


"F-From last time," She said and I tried to think of that time. Ah! Aish, this kid why does she have to care about her hair now? I was just joking.

"Why do you care about that now?" I told her, helping her stand up as we walked to sit at the couch.

"Come on, stop crying. Your eyes are tired," I begged her, wiping her tears away.

She managed to stop and sighed. She brought her legs up to the couch, hugging them. I sighed in relief, resting my back on the soft couch.

"You know what," I started. "It doesn't matter whether you have long hair or short hair, what matters the most is that you're you, you're  You Younghee and I like you the way you are." I told her and she looked at me without blinking.

"W-what?" I asked and she smiled.

She's ... so pretty.

"Thank you, Tae Tae." She patted my hair twice before resting her head on my shoulder.

Dear heart, stop beating so fast already.



"About Jisoo ... you know each other?" She asked me quietly, waking up from my shoulder. I sighed, not wanting to be reminded of that story again.

"Well, we were close in the past," I began. "We're not couples though, I mean she's the f-first person who changed me from a cold bastard to a psycho." I told her and she chuckled.

"You finally admitted huh?" She asked me and I stared at her, smiling. "Okay, okay continue." She said, giggling.

"Our parents know each other so she occasionally visited me." I continued. "I didn't really want to talk to her but she kept bugging me so..."

She nodded.

"It has been going on like this for years, until one day I realized that I had a feeling for her so I was thinking of confessing her through the phone." I gulped. "It was raining on that day and I was on the way back home. I dialed her but her phone has turned off."

"I went inside the bus, thinking that if I should really confess her or not. Things might not be the way it used to be, so I was scared." I looked at her and she was listening to me so carefully, lmao.

"Later that day, I found out that she moved. She left me." I stammered, hugging my knees.

"I was devastated for a week until I finally feel determined to forget about her."

"By dating lots of girls?" She asked and I nodded.

"You did well, Kim Taehyung." She patted my head again like I'm her kid.

"I don't know if I really did," I sighed. "I felt like those feelings are back by just the sight of her. I guess forgetting the person you love isn't easy."

"Well, I don't know exactly how that feels but I guess it's hard for you. But the important thing is, do you want to continue or give up?" She asked me the question that I've always failed to come up with an answer.

I didn't reply which caused her to speak more. "It's not wrong to continue, your feelings might be mutual. And if you want to give up, date more girls? I guess."

"Then, make me forget about her."

mianhae, it's lame ;;

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