yeol : tae tae

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Taehyung's POV

I opened my eyes due to the brightness of the sun illuminating through my window. I felt dizzy, I couldn't even wake up from my bed.

My body felt sore and I realized that my left hand was being bandaged. It felt numb, I'm too lazy to wake up.

"Oh, Taehyung. You're up?" I heard a voice coming from my door so I jerked up a little to see the person. It was Younghee.

"Wait, what, why are you at my house?" I attacked her with questions as she rolled her eyes.

"Dude, do you think a stranger brought you up here late at night?" She walked closer to me. I sat down instead, back leaning against the bed.

I felt dizzy again and everything went black. I couldn't see anything, I used my palms to wipe my eyes attempting to erase that blackout.

"Ya, Taehyung? Are you okay?" She asked me and I slept back on my bed, covering myself with blanket.

Please go away, you shitty thing.

"Come on," She removed the blanket from me and I closed me eyes. I felt a hand resting on my forehead.

"Oh my god, you have a fever." She marveled. I heard footsteps running back and forth. I rubbed my eyes again and the blackout disappeared. Phew.

I glanced at my room and Younghee was nowhere to be seen. Am I dreaming just now? Ugh, what day is today? Oh, it's Sunday.

I tried to recall what happened last night. I went for a drink right? And what happened next? She brought me here and what's next?

Suddenly, my door bursted open once again. She came inside about to place a wet towel on my forehead. I grabbed her wrist.

"I'm fine," I told her and she released my hand away. "I said I'm fine," I told her again but she managed to place the towel on my head anyway.

But then, I felt something dropped on my stomach. I jerked up a little to see a box of cigarettes. It fell from her jacket's pocket.

"What's this?" I asked, looking at her and she gasped.

"It's nothing," She immediately put it back in her pocket. "Rest Taehyung, I'm going to make you porridge." She walked away from my bed.

"You've been smoking, haven't you?" I decided to ask her and she stopped walking and let out a sigh.

"I'm not, alright?" She turned to look at me.

"But your eyes show me clearly that you're lying and my instincts support this theory," I stated and she walked closer to me.

"What about you? You've been cutting yourself, haven't you?" She pulled my left hand and removed the bandages. She then applied some balm on them again and I flinched.

"You poor thing," I noted her sarcasm and remained silent. "Just rest, it's not the time to be worrying about me. I'm going to the market and buy something to cook for you so just shut up and accept my offer." I smiled a little since I never expect to see this side of her.

I mean, she rarely talks in class that I even think she's mute. Now that I think about it, I rarely talk in class too.

"Be obedient, okay?" She stood up from my bed.

"Neh, eomma." I replied and she smiled.


"Hey, wake up. The porridge is ready." I felt someone tapping my cheek slightly so I opened my eyes to see that it was Younghee.

She took the towel out from my forehead and I rubbed my eyes, waking up from my bed. I felt numb, I guess I drank too much.

"Here," She gave me a bowl of porridge and there's fish too. It's hot against my fingers.

"Feed me," I told her and her eyes widened.


"Feed me," I repeated. "My hands felt numb." I told her the truth and she sighed, sitting down on my bed.

"Alright," She agreed, taking the porridge from my hands. She scooped a spoonful of porridge and placed in front of my lips.

"It's hot," I told her so she stared at me and blew it, to make it warmer. I ate until it's all empty. So, she can really cook huh.

"What took you so long just to buy this? I was so hungry," I told her as she placed the bowl of porridge next to my bed.

"I met Jimin on the way so we had a little talk," She answered. "Here, take these pills." She handed me pills and a glass of water.

"Jimin? You two seem close now, huh?" I asked and she looked at me.

"That busan guy? Nah." She retorted, placing the glass of water back beside my bed.


"Nothing, just that we knew each other in the past." She shrugged. "And I just remembered that he was my childhood classmate."

"Heol, that's cool."

She ended the conversation and walked to turn the TV on. "I figured you might be bored, so watch this. I'm going to-" She cut herself off. "I'm going to work."

"You're not going to smoke, are you?" I asked her and she stopped walking.

"Just be a good child and rest okay," She walked over and pulled my blanket to my neck, smiling devilishly as she caressed my hair slowly. Now I felt like a kid again.

She's about to walk away but I grabbed her wrist.

"Younghee," I called out and she turned to look at me, eyes widened.

"What did you just say?"

"I said Younghee," I repeated and she lowered her hand slowly.

"Y-you just called me by my name?" She questioned; her cheeks became red again. I nodded.

Come to think of it, I always call her kyojang.

"Y-yah, it's weird." She quavered and I loosened my grip.

"Then, what do you usually call me?" I asked her and she looked up at the ceiling, thinking.

"Pervert alien?" She told me, chuckling.

I wanted to tease her so my smiley face turned to a pout instantly.

"Ya ya, why the hell are you sulking?" She came closer to me and I looked at her into her eyes.

"Tae tae is mad, he won't talk to you." I looked away from her, arms folded.

"Come on, look at me." She said and I shook my head, pouting. Suddenly, I felt her fingers pinching both my cheeks.

"Tae tae is mad huh? Tae tae won't talk to me?" She pinched tighter and I thought my cheeks have been ripped off already.

"It hurts, it hurts." I told her and she pinched me for 3 goddamn seconds more before releasing. I rubbed my cheeks in pain.

I heard her phone rang so she picked it up. "Neh, ahjumma?" She walked outside my room and closed the door.

My lips curled into a smile and I blew the air from my nose, giggling. Well, as expected, it's always been fun having her around.

I glanced at the TV to see that it's about that news again. I turned it off in an instant and sighed.

For a few seconds, my phone vibrated under my pillow and I realized I got a text from an unknown person.

"Hey, it's been awhile."

Huh? What? Who?

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