outro : love is not over

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Younghee's POV

- A few months later -

"Here, uncle. The porridge is ready." I sat down beside my uncle's bed, holding a bowl of porridge. He woke up from his bed slowly attempting to take the porridge from me.

"Ani ani, I'll feed you." I told him and he smiled, nodding as a response. His face became livelier now so I'm glad.

I finished feeding him the porridge and let him take the stomach medicines, then put him back to sleep. He's getting better from those wounds.

However, he can't eat anything spicy or any other reckless foods. So, I had to make porridge everyday and force him to take medicines although he hates them to the bones.

I waited until he closed his eyes which means he's sleeping. I stood up from the chair, putting a blanket over him and left his room.

I started to wash the dishes and put them back to the counter.

It's been a few months now, and my life changed. My uncle isn't some lowly criminal like before. He didn't sell drugs like those polices said. He was being accused for no particular reasons and it's just that, he loved drinking so much so he occasionally picked fights with some thugs on the street that's why he got into trouble all the time.

But now, he changed. He became a normal person, and an admiring uncle. He stopped drinking since he can't drink anymore due to the wounds on his stomach. Plus, we both have worked our asses off, trying to lessen the debts. Taehyung also helps us with it as well, I'm thankful.

The Hye Family all found out about me being Jisoo's dad's daughter so they asked me to live with them in their freaking huge mansion but you know, I rejected the offer.

I just can't leave my uncle alone, since he's the reason why I could live to these days. He had been working a lot in order to buy foods for me and to afford my school fees and living expenses. It's just that things didn't turn out well for him, so he became unemployed. That's why he had been drinking a lot to forget about his problems. He had been complaining himself too, for being a useless uncle.

He had also been through so much stress while taking care of me because you know, he loved my mom during his school years. But too bad, he's like a second lead in kdrama so he ended up taking care of his ultimate crush's daughter instead.

Plus, he felt guilty now after he realized that he had been hitting his crush's daughter so he kept saying sorry to me all the time.

So yeah, it's about time now that I'll be the one who takes care of him.

I sighed, smiling while walking to my house's door. I opened it to see Taehyung standing in front of me.

"Omo! You scared me," I hit him on his forearm and he flinched. I closed the door back and looked at him.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be practicing? Bang PD-nim won't scold you?" I asked him out of curiosity and he shrugged.

And yes, he's been casted into Bighit entertainment and he's going to be debuted soon with all those bangtan members.

"I sneaked out," He said childishly while intertwining our fingers together. "I want to spend time with you today." He said and we both started walking.

"This kid, aish jinjja! Be more like Jimin!" I nagged and he flinched, closing his ear.

"He's no fun, no fun." He said in his broken English and I slightly chuckled. "Now he won't eat with me anymore, he kept doing exercises and workouts." He pouted and I pinched his cheek.

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