seumulnet : miss

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Younghee's POV

- 1 month later -

It's been a month now. Things are the same. Yeah same, the people in the school still viewed me as a bitch who broke their prince, Taehyung's heart.

I've been receiving lots of letters in my locker telling me to die, to disappear, to vanish and I was like 'don't worry, i'm going soon anyways.'

I walked to measure my weight and saw that I lost 15 kilos for god's sake. Unexplained weight loss is also a fucking part of this.

I sighed, taking medicines that I've been given to. Now these are the last ones, I'm really going to do the operation . . . or not?

I kept my medicines' package instantly when I heard someone entering my room. It must be Jimin again.

"Good morning!" He walked towards me, smiling and I smiled back. "Let's go to school," He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Arrasso, kajja." I swung my backpack to my shoulder and walked outside the room with him. I took a quick glance at Taehyung's room just to see if he woke up yet.

The lights from his room are turned on so I guess he's up.

Taehyung, I hate myself for thinking of you again when I know I shouldn't.

"Let's go, we're going to be late." Jimin broke my thoughts while intertwining our fingers together. Yes, we've become this close but not as lovers.

He's been the same − visiting me, playing with me, protecting me, taking care of me, buying me foods and loving me.

While walking to the bus stop, I looked at his face a little and thought about his confession he told me a few weeks ago.

"i love you, younghee."

"i know that you still have feelings for taehyung, but just let me stay here by your side and protect you."

"Younghee? The bus has arrived," I snapped back to see Jimin using his palm to wave in front of my face.

"Actually," I gripped his hand tighter which stopped him from entering the bus. "Let's ditch class today?" I asked shyly and he looked at me in surprised.

"Jinjja? The class president is asking the school's ultimate troublemaker to ditch class?" He asked and I smiled.

"Come on, I want to spend some time with you today." I told him, lifting my finger up to poke his cheek many times.

"Your wish is my command," He bowed and we both laughed.

If this means to be my last day, I won't regret it since I'm spending it with you.

We both started walking forward when we were stopped by Taehyung standing in front of us.

He looked extremely pale, he also became skinner and his eyebags are so noticeable. His eyes are red and swollen.

He looked so fragile that I just wanted to run to him and hug him telling him that he's going to be okay.

"Come on, Taehyung. There are only a few minutes left." I saw Jisoo running to Taehyung but she slowed down her pace when she spotted us.

I gripped Jimin's hand tighter, walking pass them feeling bitter doing so. I really want Taehyung back . . .

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jimin stopped in front of a shop, cupping my cheeks with his warm palms.

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