seumulilgop : where are u?

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Taehyung's POV

I'm drowning . . . I'm going down . . .
The water is devouring me slowly, I lost all of my stamina, my feelings, my mind became blank.

I'm sinking down . . .

"No!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs but there's no response back. I realized that I'm sleeping on a bed, a hospital bed and all I could hear was the sounds of monitors beeping in rhythm.

I felt that my hand is being injected and my nose is provided with an oxygen tube. I quickly removed it away from me, breathing out heavily.

I just had a nightmare?

All of a sudden, I started to realize that there's a bandage surrounded my eyes to the back of my head. I lifted my hands slowly and shakily only to touch that rough bandage, not my eyes.

so i'm really blind?

For a few moments, I heard a sound of the door creaking opened loudly but all I could see is darkness.

"Are you okay, Taehyung?" A voice started to question about my condition and that sounds like Doctor Hye's voice. Yes, Jisoo's dad and...Younghee's dad.

where is younghee?

"Why am I here?" I asked him out of curiosity because I'm supposed to be dead. I'm supposed to be drowning, falling into the depth of ocean and never coming back.

but why?

"I'm not sure either, but I heard that someone brought you here 3 days ago." He replied, causing my jaw to drop.

"I've been knocked unconscious for 3 days?" I questioned, and he said yes.

"Your mom and your friends have been visiting you a lot to see if you woke up. Jisoo also visited you, too." He said. "Now it's the middle of the night, it's best if you should rest first."

I didn't reply him. "I'm going to look at another patient," He said, leaving me in the room.

I heard the door's closing, and I sighed while resting back on the bed. Just what is happening to me now?

For a few minutes, I heard a sound of the door creaking opened once again. I woke up in an instant.

"Who is this?" I asked, sitting straight.

"Kim Taehyung-ssi, your eyes will be okay in the next few days and then you will be discharged from the hospital." I heard a nurse's voice reporting about my condition and I started to wonder.

"B-But I'm supposed to be blind, right?" I asked her frankly, and I heard sound of clicking a pen.

"The thing is," This time, a sound of flipping pages could be heard in the room. "There was someone who volunteered to make eyes donor for you. I think her name was Sarah?" She said, questioningly and I swallowed a lump in my throat.

sarah? who's that?

"For now, you should rest so that you will be able to recover quickly." She said and left the room.

I'm having a war in my mind at the moment, I don't know what the hell has happened to me, to everyone, to younghee.

is she still alive? she has to be alive.


In the morning, I woke up feeling only nothingness. I tried to sit up straight when I heard a door bursted open.

"Taehyung ah? Gwaenchana?" This voice belongs to my mom. I felt her caressing my head slowly. Her voice is cracking, and my heart sank down.

I nodded as a response. "Taehyung? We brought you some fruits. Tell us if you want to eat." This time, the voice belongs to Jisoo.

"Are your eyes okay?" My mom asked, still caressing my hair.

I nodded. "Mom, who's Sarah?" I asked her bluntly.

"I don't know either," She released her hand from my hair. "The moment I've arrived here, your eyes have been replaced and that Sarah person is being transferred to another branch of this hospital, for some reasons." She explained and I frowned.

"I already told my assistant to search for her, so don't worry." She said reassuringly and I nodded.

We stayed there, talking for half an hour then they left. I sighed, still wondering why someone would do this for me. Or maybe she has an illness that is life-threatening to her that she started to donate her organs?

I heaved a deep sigh when suddenly, I heard the door bursted open again.

"Hyung!" This voice appeared to be Jungkook's voice and I heard chatters coming from that direction.

the bangtan is here.

"Ya, are you okay?" Jin hyung asked, and I nodded.

"Jinjja, we really shouldn't have left you there alone." Yoongi hyung complained and I smiled.

"Did you guys come back for me? I mean, one of you saved me from drowning?" I asked them and they all said no.


"The moment we arrived back home, I heard a call from this hospital that someone brought you here. So we just rushed quickly." Jin hyung replied.

"Who was that person?" I asked.

"We don't know either. By the time we arrived the hospital, I heard that the person had left." Namjoon hyung said.

"Come on, come on. Stop talking about sad stuffs." Hoseok hyung spoke up and we all changed our topic. They started to ask me about my eyes and I apologized for not telling them at first.

A few hours have passed and it's about time for them to go back.

"Rest more, Taehyung." Namjoon hyung said. "We're leaving." I heard their footsteps growing further from me.

"Jimin," I called out. "I want to talk to you." With that, I heard his footsteps growing closer to me.

"Where's Younghee?" I asked and I heard him sighing deeply.

"I'm still searching for her, I really have no idea where she is now." He said stressfully and his voice started cracking. "And about her uncle ..."

I gripped the blanket hard. "I know about it." He said softly. "Don't worry, he's still alive."


"I'm not sure either, but at that time his gangs arrived on time so they hit you on your back, causing you to fall unconscious. They started to take him to hospital because younghee's uncle is still in debt to them. That's why, they don't want him to die." He spoke.

"This kind of people should be erased from this Earth, seriously." I said.

"They caught Younghee too." He continued and I balled my hands to fists. "They also want her to pay for the debts, but luckily she managed to get away from them."

"So, the polices arrived at the scene and they started handcuffing those gangs. That's why, I knew all these answers. I was told by the polices." He added.

"However, we all didn't know where younghee has run off to. The polices are currently searching for her as well." He sighed.

"This is all I know." I heard him standing up from the chair. "For now, rest Taehyung. Just leave this matter to me, I'm going to find her no matter what." He tapped my shoulder lightly.

He started to walk away and I hesitated to talk. "Ya, you jamless kid." I called him and he stopped walking.


"Thanks." I thanked him.

"This punk," I heard him mumbling under his breath and I smiled.

younghee, where could you possibly be?

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