seumuldaseot : stabbed

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Taehyung's POV

I opened my eyes slowly but they still hurt. My head hurts, my eyes hurt and my heart hurts.

It's already been a month but I kept thinking about her more and more, I don't know why. I couldn't muster the courage to talk to her or stay next to her.

I noticed that Jimin has been visiting her a lot lately, so I assume she's doing fine with him. At that time when I saw them together holding hands and walked pass me, my heart broke into pieces. I started to wonder if she feels the same way when I walked away with Jisoo the other day.

I was stupid to go to the fireworks display last night which only made me remember about the times I spent with her, every single moment, and more importantly, her.

I hopped off from my bed and went to the bathroom. Her toothbrush was still there . . . I miss her so bad.

I heaved a sigh, taking a shower and got changed into white shirt and black jacket. I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my own eyes and sighed again.

Eyes donor, my ass.

I'm going to be blind, I won't be able to go on stage. I won't be able to see the view there or experience what will it feel like standing there.

In the end, I'm just imagining things that are impossible to achieve.

I tiredly walked to sleep on the bed and took the picture frame that's placed beside my bed.

I miss you, Younghee.

I kept looking at the polaroids and our pictures we took one after another. I felt the aching in my heart, and my hands started to shake.

My vision became unclear once again and if I'm going to be blind, I won't regret because all I've been doing was sitting, sleeping at one place looking our old photos.

I still remember every single thing we did and I'm not planning on forgetting them so don't you worry.

"Hey, I need you . . ."

"Arrasso, I'll never leave you, Kim Taehyung."

"What the hell, Taehyung? Are you a girl?"

"Omo! Taehyung! It's so beautiful!"

"I know you wouldn't do that, thanks Taehyung, I love you."

I can't take this anymore, I want to see her. I want to touch her, I want to hug her and I want to be with her.

I decided to wake up from my bed and went outside my room. I wore my hood and continued walking to her room. I stopped there, hesitating.

Just why am I here . . . I do want to see her but I know that I can't.

I sighed, walking back to my room's direction and sat on the ground back-facing the wall, not going inside. I sighed, turning my head to the side a little just to look blankly at her room.

She might be with Jimin, they might be having fun, and I just don't want to interrupt them.

For a few minutes, I heard shouts and yelling coming from her room. My heart immediately pounded, and I stood up from the ground quickly.

I walked to stand in front of her room and the door creaked open slowly. I took a look inside to see Younghee and her uncle.

He was yelling at her, he was shouting at her, he was hitting her and he was strangling her.

My blood started to boil whenever I see this fucking alcoholic and drugs addicted asshole came back and haunted her when she doesn't even do anything wrong to him.

I walked backward slowly to see a wine bottle resting on the ground. I didn't think of anything else beside picking it up and bursted inside the room.

I hit him on his head, and he started to bleed. He isn't supposed to move, not anymore but he dashed toward her instead. I stopped him and used that same bottle that's now left with only broken glasses on its end to stab him on his belly.

one stab, i'm sorry bangtan.

two stabs, i'm sorry mom.

three stabs, i'm sorry dad.

four stabs, i'm sorry taehyung.

last stab, i'm sorry younghee.

"Taehyung! I said stop it!" I felt her hands pulling me away by my jacket and I came back to my sense.

Now my mind went completely blank and my hands started to shake when I see them stained with blood. I fell on the ground abruptly when my eyes started to hurt, they're tormenting me.

As a few seconds of shouting and yelling passed, I felt something hit me hard on my back and my consciousness started to fade slowly.

My eyes went blank already now my whole body has shut down.


I opened my eyes slowly to see myself sitting inside Younghee's room with my back facing the wall.

There's no one in the room beside me. I lifted my hands up tremblingly only to see bloods stained there and I felt that my cheeks are also stained with blood.

The blood also stained on the ground in front of me and my heart started to beat faster than ever. I'm scared. Many questions started to appear in my head and those are really terrifying that I let a tear rolled down on my cheek.

where's younghee?

did i kill ... her uncle?

I saw a bottle of water next to me, and I opened it shakily cleaning my hands and wiping my face. I wiped my hands to my shirt and I tried to inhale exhale inhale exhale.

I'm so scared, I'm scared.

Quickly, I took my phone from my pocket and clicked on the most recent contact. I realized that I'm dailing Jin hyung.

what to say?

The line connected after a few beeps and I don't know why hearing my hyung's words soothed me.

"Yeobuseyo, Taehyung? Taehyung? Gwaenchana?"

I held back my tears and swallowed a lump in my throat.

"Hyung . . . I want to see you."

sorry ;_;

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