Murasakibara Atsushi (2)

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Jealous Stares

[Name] was a very pretty and nice girl.

Usually, boys flocked to her side when she walked down the hallways. She got multiple confessions every day. Her lunch table was always full due to her having multiple friends of both genders to talk to.

But... this week was different.

Almost no male wanted to be around her. Every time she walked in the hallways, boys would always wear this disturbed look on their face. Even when she tried to talk to them, they made a quick excuse and ran away. Her table was now all filled with females. Honestly, the only one who talked to her was Himuro. He was one of the rare ones who didn't try to flirt with her.

She asked Himuro why everyone was acting weird. "I'm very sure you'll see for yourself, [Name]-san." He wouldn't answer further no matter how much she asked. It annoyed her greatly, but she knew that Himuro was as mysterious as the ocean floor. The conversation would go nowhere.

So, [Name] decided that it was her job to find out what was going on. She was extremely curious. Plus this would be something fun to occupy her time. She didn't have very many leads. All she knew is that she felt this weird feeling that would come from somewhere in the background. Whenever she looked behind her, the feeling would instantly go away. 

[Name] finally concluded that it must be a student of Yōsen who was following her. After all, most of her weird feelings happened during school. She stopped in the middle of the hallway she was walking down. With wide eyes, she realized that it was not only school that she felt this way. She remembered being on the subway and feeling dread being directed on the back of her head.

It was then she realized that she could be getting stalked. She suddenly felt like someone dunked a bucket of ice cold water on her body. She had never felt fear this much before. What if someone was stalking her because they wanted to kidnap her? What if they wanted to kill her? There were plenty of bad people in Yōsen. She, a popular well-endowed lady, would certainly be a good target for kidnap.


She turned around only to be hugged by Murasakibara. "Mura-kun! I haven't seen you in a while!" she exclaimed, hugging the giant back. All the fear she felt evaporated into thin air. [Name] felt safe when she was around him. That was because she had a huge crush on him. He pulled away with a smile on his face. "Do you want a chocolate bar, [Nickname]-chin?" he asked. "Yes, please!" she exclaimed. He handed her one. She ripped it open and stuffed it in her mouth.

"Why was [Nickname]-chin standing in the middle of the hallway and not watching basketball practice like she usually does?" he asked with a pout. Her eyes widened. She whipped out her phone and checked the time. Like he said, it was time for basketball practice. "Sumimasen, Mura-kun! I got really distracted by my thoughts," she admitted. She ate the rest of the chocolate bar and stuffed the wrapper into her pocket. "This week has been really weird. Everywhere I go there's this weird feeling that I've been-" She suddenly stopped talking. Her shoulders stiffened up as all the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. "There it is again... That weird feeling," she mumbled.

Out of nowhere, Murasakibara started sprinting down the hall. She turned around to see him turn the corner. For some reason, she could hear a male screaming bloody murder. Murasakibara appeared from around the corner holding up a male by his jacket.

"Is that [Boy's Name]-kun?! What is he still doing in school?!"

[Boy's Name] was infamous around the school. He pulled horrible pranks on people. He found it fun to bully new teachers to the point where they quit their job. Despite never being an athletic guy, he always made fun of the various sports teams and always said - and I quote - that he could "beat their asses all the way to Pluto and back". He was, in short, a delinquent. [Name] despised him, but she could never be mean to him. It just wasn't in her nature.

"[Boy's Name]-san, apologize to [Nickname]-chin for scaring her," Murasakibara said to the boy. He frowned at Murasakibara and tried to get out of his grasp. "Let go of me, ya big loaf! I didn't mean to scare her! I just wanted to talk to her and I got scared!" [Boy's Name] shouted. He swung his arms around until Murasakibara grabbed his neck and pushed him up against the wall. [Name] gasped and put her hand over her mouth.

The fear shown in [Boy's Name]'s eyes made her want to run away. Murasakibara was giving him a look of death. "Tell [First Name] your sorry," he said in a low voice. He let go of [Boy's Name], making him drop to the ground with a loud bam. He stood up and quickly bowed to [Name]. "I didn't mean to cause trouble, [Name]-san! I just-," he said, standing back up, "I just- I just really wanted to say I liked you. I mean, you're so nice to everyone and I can't help but fall in love with you..."

The air grew thick and silent as the words that he just said echoed in her brain. The blush creeped up onto her face. Murasakibara just looked even more pissed off. "I never thought of you that way, [Boy's Name]-kun," she mumbled. [Boy's Name] frowned. "There is no way that I'm going to lose to him!" he shouted, grabbing her shoulders. She was scared, but confused. Who exactly was he not going to lose to?

[Boy's Name] was suddenly pushed away from [Name]. A strong arm wrapped around her waist. "You heard [Nickname]-chin. She doesn't like you that way. Go away or I will crush you," he said. [Boy's Name]'s face grew pale. He ran away like there were dogs chasing after him.

Even though he was long gone, Murasakibara was still grasping onto her waist. The blush that was on her face intensified. "Um, Mura-kun, you can let go now," she said, poking his arm. He was silent for a moment before forcibly turning her around and tightly hugging her. Her heartbeat went three times faster its normal speed.

"You should tell me these things sooner, [Nickname]-chin. I don't like it when you get scared or feel uncomfortable," Murasakibara confessed. Her eyes widened. "Uh, sumimasen. I'll tell you these things. But why do you want to know? I don't really want to bother you in anyway" she said. He looked offended before settling into a small smile because he knew that it was in her nature to worry like this. He leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"It's no bother, [Nickname]-chin. I just want to be able to protect you in the future."

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